I’ve had this idea swimming around my head for a while now. I’ve wanted to do a big blog redo, making it easier for folks to navigate and find things…
I’ve had this idea swimming around my head for a while now. I’ve wanted to do a big blog redo, making it easier for folks to navigate and find things…
Some days are just hard. Being a mom is hard. I started thinking about all the things we do and all the teeny decisions we make and how its no…
Good Monday morning, friends. I’ve been away so long I have so much to share with you; fun school news, book reviews, (apparently rhymes), changes around here, thoughts…
At the start of the year, I set out to have a different sort of year. This year I am seeking quiet focus. Quieting my thoughts, my ambitions, my actions,…
I have a German friend and I make her say things all the time. Hey Karina, say this….. Hey Karina, say this…. She humors me and doesn’t laugh when I…
I did it. I shared 31 pages from my journal–31 days of basically writing to myself and now I can finally address you guys. Here’s what I did: I blogged…
It occurred to me a couple weeks ago that I didn’t really have to deal with all this. I homeschool. I don’t have a 9-5. If we have mice and…
Yesterday I read a blog post about setting four little goals to work at before the new year. I think this is a great idea. These are mine: 1. This…
Yesterday, I had an earth shattering conversation with my friend. I mean, as in mentally earth shattering…as far as phone conversations go. We talk almost every day and our conversations…
Today I went to the mall. Some days the mall makes me feel like becoming a hermit, but today it helped. Things aren’t exactly going my way right now-but I…
We had a great day yesterday. Vera had slept really poorly Friday night, so all day yesterday we just laid around, per my request. We went to the park for…
Yesterday I failed. I lost it. The happy face ungracefully fell of and revealed the ugly stressed out face I try to save for when the kids are not around. …
Some people have said that going home next week for a visit is just what I need. It will be fun, yes. I’m excited to see everyone…
There always seems to be a list of things on my mind–to do’s or coming up’s or just plain stuff that needs some mental hashing over. Right now seems to…
I woke up today before my alarm, not in an annoying way at like 3am, but just a comfortable 15 minutes before the bell. {thankful} The first thing I realized was…
Sometimes my journal entries are letters. This is one of those. My Dearest Vera, Today you are 6 months old. You’ve been here for only a half of a year…
After trying several times to buy a house and nothing panning out, when we made the decision to rent for another year, I was excited about it. I really was. …
This weekend is opening pheasant season in my home town. It might not mean anything to anyone else in the country, but there? There its like a national holiday. Before…
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