Page 30// Four Simple Goals

Yesterday I read a blog post about setting four little goals to work at before the new year.  I think this is a great idea.  These are mine:
1. This quote ^^^.  I mean it.  I’ve seen in the last week that there really are no guarantees in this life.  We really are not promised tomorrow.  This life is fleeting and no day should be wasted.  I want to live each day-and refocus that right now.

2. Read something fun to my kids every day….or at least most days. 

3. Refill my water bottle three times a day.

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4. Finish at least one of the 28 books I have sitting by my bed.

click here to read from the beginning


  1. Brilliant idea. For me,
    it would to FINISH at least
    three of the projects that
    I've started before 2014
    rolls around. That would
    be so satisfying.

    And I'm in total agreement
    with your first goal. A must!!!

    xo Suzanne

  2. I love your goals. I have been trying to live that quote as well. Making a conscious decision moment, by moment. Happy travels with your sweet family this week!!

  3. I love reading your posts when I get up each morning. Sorry about the crap you have had lately. I hope the good stuff comes in thick and fast soon. I was wondering yesterday about those plug in things that are supposed to put out a high frequency noise that mice can't handle. Do they work?

  4. I wrote some goals last night (I ended up with a few more than four) because of that post too!

    Yours are great….Keep us posted on how this new current goes! I'm seriously interested in examples of what comes out of it, moments where you have to take yourself back to what you talked about yesterday, and even how you teach it to your kids along the way!

  5. I could have these same goals! To get more reading time, I have removed FB from my phone…no more getting lost on a rabbit trail of randomness. It has given me back soooo much time! The water one is hard….i feel like I drink a constant stream of coffee.

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