The Week I Googled “Low Carb Cocktails”
This baby-rearing stuff is no joke. No joke whatsoever. Not only are you sleep deprived and can only wear pants with elastic waistbands, but life still must go on as…
This baby-rearing stuff is no joke. No joke whatsoever. Not only are you sleep deprived and can only wear pants with elastic waistbands, but life still must go on as…
This is one of those that I’ve debated writing and wondered how to approach this subject, but after much thought I feel like it’s a valid and “postable” subject that…
We have a parade of visitors coming through these next weeks. My mom was here and gone and my sister and nephew were here for a week and left Monday….
I’ve never written a birth story before. Some things seem almost too precious to write down, like they’re only dear enough to savor in your heart. Too dear to share….
…I met the missing chunk of my heart. This is Ms. Vera Mae. Last Sunday I blogged about what we were doing in our waiting…ice cream and farmer’s markets. This…
…yes, I’m still pregnant. Five days overdue at this point. I’m beginning to think I’m going to be the “Perpetual Pregnant Lady” at the circus. “Woman Pregnant with 13 Year…
Today is the day. Well, in my mind it is. The day we’ve been counting down to for months. The day that’s lead to over 9 months of waiting, but…
Last night, Jarrod and I took a tour of the hospital. We’d never been to the hospital here and I’m so glad we went to check it out. It was…
I’m officially 38 weeks TODAY, folks! Cannot believe it. I shouldn’t be so shocked at how quickly your body falls apart at the end of almost 10 months of carrying around…
Despite my vagueness, I’m sure you have put together that we are in a waiting period in our lives. We are. We are waiting for big things and every time…
I wonder if sometimes we put way too much pressure on making things something they weren’t intended to be. Like Valentine’s Day. Do you think Saint Valentine intended self-induced diabetes…
I’m slowly getting ready for this little person coming my way. I’m gathering some Onesies here and there, checking the sales, doing some research. I’ve even gotten a few gifts, which is…
Yesterday I took perhaps my favorite photo I’ve ever taken. It was nothing special. I took it with my phone. I held it up without even looking and snapped a few of…
On Wednesday I went to the doctor. I had to drink that disgusting super-sugar soda stuff and immediately gave me gut rot. “Oh sure, I’ll drink this gross soda and then…
Let’s just be honest. Not all of December is pinecones and glitter. There’s parts of the holiday that are hard. Life doesn’t stop just because it’s December. And life is…
Today’s challenge: How many m’s can you pack into one blog post title? It’s not as easy as it looks. How was your weekend? Ours was Christmas-filled. We got our…
I want to tell you something. I want to tell you how I feel. I feel like a pretty sub-par mom a lot. As in, I lose my temper often…often….
I am seriously pregnant. I feel like I might be past that point where everything makes me gag and that point where people are wondering if I’m pregnant or have…
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