A Word For Those Who Are Waiting…

Despite my vagueness, I’m sure you have put together that we are in a waiting period in our lives. We are. We are waiting for big things and every time we think we’re about to get that big answer, we don’t. And then we wait some more……..

And as the great Lady Grantham has said,

“There’s nothing more tiresome than waiting for something to happen.”

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When I woke up yesterday morning, I wrote in my journal how tired I was and how weary waiting makes us.  How we start out in a trial so strong and so full of confidence, but as the time wares on we get tired and weary and lose hope and the doubt creeps in.  I picked up Streams in the Desert…a devotional I only read when I really need it. It’s so good and it’s meant for those of us in desert times. Dry, icky desert times. I cannot tell you how timely this devotional has been for me these last couple of weeks. I’ve been so encouraged to keep pressing on and on and on. I’ve learned to let go of all the control I thought I had….

Here’s what I read:

We are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end.
Hebrews 3:14

It is the last step that wins; and there is no place in the pilgrim’s progress where so many dangers lurk as the region that lies hard by the portals of the Celestial City.  It was there that Doubting Castle stood.  It was there that the enchanted ground lured the tired traveler to fatal slumber.  It is when heaven’s heights are full in view that hell’s gate is most persistent and full of deadly peril.  “Let us not be weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”  “So run, that ye may obtain.”


The problem of getting great things from God is being able to hold on for the last half hour.

Are you waiting?

Is there anything more tiring than waiting??

I’m trying to hold on to this scripture…to hold on to that confidence and see this thing through.  I have contemplated not saying anything on this blog until the end…until the answer comes.  But I decided there’s no testimony in that. Because this is the part that matters…the middle…the waiting. Even though I’m totally over it, I know this is where the refining is happening.  I’m trying to consider myself blessed to be counted worthy enough to be tested like this.

Faint not, fellow waiters.




  1. So, I just found your blog and so glad I did! And, yes, my little family is in a season of waiting. God has been so good. I knew I came across a gem of a blog when you said that you read Streams in the Desert : )

  2. i get it
    i feel it with you
    down to the bone
    boy i exhale here .. reading this
    longing for rest but only i heaven
    thank you for being vulnerable enough to let us in..to share with us your story
    it makes us feel more connected
    and i quite like that:)

  3. Oh yeah…waiting sucks! I was pregnant, had the baby five weeks early-that NEVER happens, normally my babies don't come. We had a scheduled c-section{my fifth} for March 1st. Poppy, our daughter, was born Feb. 13th, instead, and has been in the NICU ever since. So yes, waiting is not my favorite. I heard a song on the radio the other day…"Need You Now" by Plumb. Sooo good…
    Here's to waiting gracefully,

  4. Wonderful post. We are waiting for a new home right now and it is so hard. I started out being patient but lately I am frustrated. I know that it is out of my hands and I just need to have faith…that is hard at times.
    Praying for you.

  5. refining happens in the waiting…
    he burns away the parts of us that dare to stop trusting in his timing…

    the burning away is hard and painful, but he proves himself faithful over and over….no matter what the outcome or the answer he gives.

    but so hard…praying for you, friend, as you guys wait and hope for what he has for you.

    praying the enemy doesn't steal that joy in hoping in him.

  6. We are in one of the biggest waiting times in our lives and I'm growing weary. Thanks for this post. I needed to hear that verse.

  7. SOOO good! I need to get that devotional…I am usually always waiting for something hard with all the medical stuff we have in our lives. Praying that you can hang in there "for the last half hour"!

    for when you are tried, and purified…you shall come forth as GOLD!
    i love that you decided to share!
    we then(your friends) are partakers of that great blessing….the waiting, the watching, the praying, the pleading and the answer!
    i am like an infomercial for this, but, adrian rogers has an AMAZING message called the Discipline of Darkness.
    i heard part one in the car the other day and could hardly contain myself…SO SO good!
    if you google it, you can listen to both parts. SO good!
    love ya!!!

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