just keep busy, just keep busy

Let’s just be honest. Not all of December is pinecones and glitter. There’s parts of the holiday that are hard. Life doesn’t stop just because it’s December. And life is hard sometimes.

Families are separated.
People are sick.
Relationships are complicated.
Disappointments happen.
It’s not all happy business.

For us, I’m looking at my belly and then looking back at the calendar that says “due date” on April 16th and “lease is up” on April 1st and then I look to our “Life Planner” and all the pages are blank. We don’t really have a plan. It’s really hard because I’m like Super Duper Planner lady. I’m just wired that way. I try not to let this lack of life plan bother me, but it’s not easy. Instead of thinking about it…or at the very least, in an attempt to distract myself from this I have made a big LIST.

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Just keep busy.

Some fun things, some mindless things, some necessary things.

To distract myself this December, my list looks like this:
-Go through kids’ toys/donate  (half done!)
-Decorate buffet  (done!)
-Work on 2012 photo book
-Make a baby Smash book
-Go to IKEA   (done!)
-Boys Room:
     -change duvet covers  (done!)
     -hang pennants  (done)
-Clean my closet
-Organize my craft area
-Make stamps  (done!!)
-Plan next etsy line
-Organize files
-Address Christmas cards (almost done!)
-Make robes for kids for Christmas

This is my plan for right now…to just keep busy til there’s a plan in place.  Better go check some more things off this list ๐Ÿ™‚

Happy Monday!


  1. hey friend. you know that I love lists too. I also LOVE having a plan.
    it seems as though, for those of us who love to plan, the Lord is always mixing things up, throwing off the plan, reminding us that we're not in control.
    I think it's good and hate it at the same time.
    I want to make a list like yours now. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Girl, I thought I
    was organized
    at your age, until
    I started reading
    your blog…. You
    are wired for super-
    duper organization!
    Love that!

    My b-day is April 14
    and I've always enjoyed
    having it that time of
    year : )

    Keep carrying on,
    Alicia, as you do it
    SO well!

    xo Suzanne

  3. Your list looks great.

    I will be praying that everything just falls into place. I believe it will. I am Super Planner Lady, too, but recently my uncle passed away while my husband was having emergency surgery…I couldn't/didn't plan for either, but they both worked out great. Now my husband is home to pick me up when I fall apart and to get through this difficult time with me. It will all work out and fall into place exactly as it is supposed to and may work even better than you can imagine. I will keep praying.

  4. oh girlfriend, i completely understand. if i would have had a choice i don't think i would have opted to be pregnant and due in Decemeber. can you say super stressed out?! but it's all good because this is where He wants me.. and this is where He wants YOU as well. and if you think about it..the problems that we had months ago have most likely been resolved in some way or another.. He is good like that ๐Ÿ™‚

    thinking and praying for you!

  5. definitely not all glitter!
    it's the hardest thing about blogging…
    no one really wants to read all about our hard days everyday but they sure don't want to think our lives are perfect and glitterfied.

    i like a list, too…i like a plan…God has done plenty to stretch me over the years and make me more flexible…but yep…pretty much i'm still a planner. ๐Ÿ™‚

    praying for the plans to fall in place and for HIS perfect peace to be the thing that overwhelms you most as you wait for all of it.

  6. Okay what did you make those stamps from??? We need details! They are fabulous!

    And girl, you have a LOT done on that list…

    Also I hear ya on the December thing… it's NOT always glitter and happy. So much stinkin stress.

    Guess we just have to do today…

  7. Oh Alica, I have been in your shoes! We moved two weeks after my middle son was born! It was stressful and hectic. Looking back it was a crazy time, but boy did God work on my heart during that time….some much needed work i might add. I'm a a planner too, i know how you feel…just try and get through December girl! I want to make those stamps, that is just about the coolest thing i have ever seen!!

  8. Last week all but Margot got wiped out by a stomach virus. I'm still trying to regain my head from it but forge on we must. I'm co-chairing our church Christmas party this week, have the husbands holiday work party, and as you know the list goes on. It's super nice crossing things off the list though:) And don't worry I'm a super to the T planner as well. It will all come together friend:)

  9. mary- can you just coem live with me? seriously.

    the stamps? again, bad ass.
    having a baby and moving int he same month makes me feel a bit itchy and nervous and i am not a big planner– although i often wish i was.

    hang in there, mama!

  10. I love the stamps! You already know this but that Mary is so wise. You will make a plan and it will almost never turn out the way you thought. I understand your anxiety over the unknown. You have lots of major and exciting changes ahead! It will be great! xoxo

  11. i know you love lists.
    i know you love to plan.
    you are AMAZING that way(i covet that quality). ๐Ÿ™‚
    but can i just say, that some of the BEST times in our lives have been when we had no answers…none of our 'own' direction made sense.
    when all of our plans were stripped away and we had to sail by the One Who has better plans, i realized that i was never really in control anyway.

    love you, girl.

    and i LOVE those stamps. i totally want to copy you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. is it ridiculous that one of my top reasons for wanting another baby is to make a baby smash book?? ; ) please show us yours! i know it will be super cute. you are so awesome. good for you for trying to let go of the anxiety and worry. God will bless you with peace, i just know it. xoxo!

  13. What a fun list! If you need to add another thing to keep yourself busy you could always come visit good ol' Montana!
    You know I'm prayin' girl.
    Love you to pieces!

  14. I hear ya! And goodness that is a long list. I hope you don't plan to have it all done this month? That would be a lot of late nights, it seems.

    I remember in high school making stamps in art class. Yours are so cute!

  15. Thank you for this timely reminder. I'm a woman without a plan at the moment and feel rudderless. It won't be till the end of January that I'll have time to take a breather and think it through…so just keeping busy is the only thing to do. And remembering that it does all work out in the end!

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