Back to Homeschool: How to Ease In After a Long Break
Back to homeschool! Does this phrase make you excited…..or just tired? I used to be so rigid about our schedule. I would get so stressed out about taking long breaks for…
Back to homeschool! Does this phrase make you excited…..or just tired? I used to be so rigid about our schedule. I would get so stressed out about taking long breaks for…
Christmas brings so many things for our brains to hold; gift lists, checklists, addresses, recipes, dates to remember and so much more. Post-It notes are not going to cut if…
Organizing photos can be one of the most frustrating areas to organize. We have all these amazing photos with our kids and pets and friends, but where are they?! Oh,…
Summer has arrived and the summer routine has set in! Popsicles have taken up permanent residence in the freezer, towels are always drying on the deck, and sweeping up sand…
Spring Cleaning is daunting and often makes a bigger mess than when we began. Picture this: every kitchen drawer and cupboard emptied onto the counter tops, you get interrupted by…
Recently, my family and I traveled to Europe for the first time. One thing that stood out to me so much was how environmentally conscience they all were. There were…
Planning is such an individual thing and one of my dorkiest, Type A things to do is pick people’s brains about how they plan. Do you mind if I page…
Save $10,000! Read 150 books! Exercise every day! These are all great, but I find that if I don’t get my goals out on paper, they usually don’t happen. Whether…
Getting our homes and schools organized, is always a top priority. I am always tweaking and refining the systems in our home that make things run smoothly. We need organizational…
You want to be that organized homeschool mama with a spreadsheet, and a plan, and neat little kiddos with ironed shirts. But let me tell you something: spreadsheets are overrated….
One thing that “regular” school mamas have on us homeschool mamas is about seven hours a day to turn their house to rights while the kids are away. Homeschool mamas…
I’m a natural Night Owl. But I also want to be an Early Bird. And as I get older, it’s getting harder and harder for me to stay up late….
You need to make your life easier. Moms have the ginormous tasks of keeping their homes in order, driving kids to and fro, getting meals on the table in into…
Circle Time, Morning Basket, Morning Time…or to us, homeschool Morning Meeting–they’re all the same idea, just maybe executed in slightly different ways. In preschool, you might see the teacher reciting…
I love the new year. All the hopes and possibilities, and goal setting is a common theme everywhere you look. I love that. But I also love the beginning of…
A couple of weeks ago, I did a Periscope about my kids and what they do for chores. (If you aren’t on Periscope yet, you should totally look into it…it’s…
September is like the “new” New Year in a way. It just seems like the appropriate time to restructure what’s not working in your daily routines, revamp your home systems and…
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