Its hard to believe we’ve been here in Asheville for two years today. Honestly it doesn’t feel like it at all. The first year was basically a long honeymoon…a permanent vacation. This second year has left us spinning. We prepared ourselves to move this year-to Minneapolis, to Richmond, to Colorado Springs. But a major job change has left us right here–still standing on our so called “stepping stone,” and maybe that’s the best.
There are things we would have done differently, but yet there’s no way we would have known until hindsight, so nevermind…we couldn’t have done it differently except for to not have moved, and we both agree that we don’t regret this decision.
They say it takes at least two years to feel like home after you’ve moved. I’m still waiting to feel that. But I guess because we were under the impression, after we moved here, that we shouldn’t get comfortable, we didn’t. And getting comfortable isn’t just a decision that you make, its a slow progression that comes as you go. I wish I felt it…and Lord knows I’ve tried like hell to feel it.
We landed here without even coming to check out the area first–probably not the best idea. We still would have jumped on it anyway, but pulling into a city that’s basically a foreign country to you with a moving truck is probably more risk than I have in me to try again.
Also we should have bought a house right away. Living in a rental…and then another rental, just spells temporary. I’ve asked myself if I’m that shallow that I need a house to be happy. I don’t think its that. But I think with a house brings a sense of permanence and security. Its the beginning of root-building. And we’ve been missing that for two years. Its like one foot in and one foot out-ready to jump ship at any moment. When we tried to buy a house in the spring, I wonder if it was too forced–too untimed. At least we know we’ll be right here in our rental until next summer…but next summer is not permanent enough to bring real comfort.
There’s no way we could have known what would happen when we moved. But if there were a way, I wouldn’t make a “stepping stone” move again. Except we didn’t know that’s what it was–till we were here. Stepping stones are too exhausting for a home-loving individual like me.
I have to remember to circle back though. Because Asheville has a hell of a lot to offer, and be it what it may on the roots-level for us right now, we’ve taken full advantage of its perks. The mountains, hiking, downtown, the Biltmore Estate, the homeschooling opportunities, the food, the music, the proximity to the beach, the friends close by, the nature, the autumns, the apple orchards, the history. We’ve rolled in its amenities.
Nothing wasted.
Thankful for today:
1. kids that can fend for themselves for a few minutes while I write
2. not having to get up and go go go in the morning
3. a clean house
4. school pictures
5. a place to put my thougts
6. this adventure we’ve had in NC
7. the friends we’ve made here
8. a to-do list checked off
9. Starbuck’s gift cards
10. blessing the kids with French toast for breakfast
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2 years?!?! Oye vay. I think that may be true…even when you are moving back to somewhere you know.
I'm LOVING, LOVING reading this 31 days series. I told you that on Instagram too (jenlives), but geeze louise. I feel like you are writing whats on my heart as well as yours.
And you almost moved to MPLS??? That would be have been awesome. Just sayin'. I would have totally stalked you down. 😉
Oh how I love these pictures! Can't believe it's been 2 years already! Even with all the challenging situations that have been thrown your way, you guys sure have embraced the FUN in the area!
so enjoying reading your heart here in these pages.
it'll be so awesome to see what unfolds this year.
so much can happen in a year, right?!
Asheville is still my permanent want to move to home. Just waiting, waiting waiting. We live 4 hours to the east, closer to the beach and that part is awesome. I love that we can make the beach a day trip at any moment. I love how many adventures you guys are having there though, it is such a wonderful place to explore! My 3rd is just a few months older than your baby. Shes teething like a mad woman :-/ Hope this next year in A-ville goes better for you guys!