Something happens to me a few times a year. It’s like a domino-effect organizing/rearranging/redecorating/revamping thing strikes me and there’s no stopping me. Last month I made it my goal to…
Something happens to me a few times a year. It’s like a domino-effect organizing/rearranging/redecorating/revamping thing strikes me and there’s no stopping me. Last month I made it my goal to…
I love the beginning of a project–the plans and details are all ready to go and the excitement of the project is like a happy rainbow over the current “before”…
We have so much open shelving going on in our new house–which is awesome! But it’s also a little puzzling as to what to DO with all this open shelving…
A house update! Finally! If there was every any doubt before, I will remind you…moving completely bites it. Bad. It’s no fun and I’ve felt a little twitchy and sweaty…
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