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Let me preface by stating that our homeschool curriculum choices for this year were not as easy as it usually is for me.  The only reason is this: I have a seventh grader this year.  Seventh.  I know this is not earth-shattering, but for some reason, it’s making me panic and break out in hives and itch my neck incessantly.  All of a sudden, everything I’ve learned about homeschooling over the last six years seems to mean nothing and I feel like I’m in uncharted waters with nothing but a buoy.  I might be flying my dramatic-girl flag at the moment–maybe it’s not that bad.  I have lots of great lady friends that have gone before me and their children have left home with everything they need to survive in life.
I can do this I can do this I can do this. (refolding paper bag I’ve been breathing into…carry on with life and wait expectantly for the goodness in this new season of mama-hood)

I’ve thought long and hard about what to use this year.  Since I started schooling multiple kids, it has just worked better for us to combine some of the more hands-on subjects: art, science, and history.  Last year, we tried having Noah do his own (more in-depth) history curriculum and it didn’t work as well as I’d have liked.  This year, I know we have to stay combined, but I also know he needs to be challenged.  For the past 6 years, we’ve used Story of the World for history and we have loved it.  Loved. It.  Although it has worked great for us, we’re going to try something new this year.  But we will still be listening to the Story of the World audio cd’s.

This year, I’ve decided to go with Tapestry of Grace curriculum to use as a spine for history.  I’ll be doing separate art, but I’ll be using ToG for their writing assignment ideas and their literature choices.  I love the fact that ToG is a curriculum you can use with K-12.  I love their literature choices, project ideas, and their writing assignments.  I hope we love this as much as we’ve loved what we’ve used in the past.  I chose this because I can use one curriculum and know that Noah will be challenged and the littler ones will be happy too.  We will be using Year 2, but only Units 1 and 2.  I like to split our year up into units and ToG simply covered too much information for me to do that many unit throughout the year.  We’ll be covering the fall of Rome through about the year 1775.  I’ll do a post later on our different history units we’ll be covering and what we’ll be reading with those units.

The following is what we’ll be using for curriculum this year.

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(sidenote: I always write “this is what we WILL be using” tentatively.  I am a firm believer in ditching what doesn’t work–even if it was expensive–even if YOU love it, but your kid hates it–even if your friend wrote it–even if it’s pretty.  As homeschoolers, we have this A M A Z I N G opportunity to search for exactly what works for our child–even if we have to create it ourselves. We hold the keys that our precious students need to learn.  Find the right key! Give that new fancy curriculum a fair shake, and after that fair shake, if your kid is still crying when it’s time for math it might be time to find something else.  And there is ALWAYS something else to try.)

I organized our curriculum list into “Combined Subjects” that we’ll do all together and then individual grade selections.

Our Homeschool Curriculum Choices for this year


H I S T O R Y: Tapestry of Grade (spine) Other materials will depend on the specific unit study
S C I E N C E: Unit studies–materials and books will vary
A R T: We’ll be studying 1-2 different famous artists per month.  I’ll be using various books and websites, but these will be my main go-to’s:
N A T U R E   S T U D Y: We love Shining Dawn book’s nature study guides.  I haven’t decided exactly which one’s we’ll be using, but I love the idea of this Autumn Bundle.
S P E L L I N G: Spelling Workout
H A N D W R I T I N G: Horizons Penmanship
G R A M M A R: Daily Grams
W R I T I N G: Write Source (with ToG)



M A T H: Saxon 3
S P E L L I N G: Spelling Workout
H A N D W R I T I N G: Handwriting Without Tears
G R A M M A R: Easy Grammar
J O U R N A L: Draw, Write…Now
M A T H: Horizons 1
H A N D W R I T I N G:  Handwriting Without Tears
P H O N I C S: Explode the Code
J O U R N A L: Draw, Write…Now
Because you know we need help too!
Big Book of Homeschooling Ideas: This book is a great reference to all sorts of questions I have all the time.  Yes, I had a little part in writing this book, but it’s written by 54 other great homeschool mamas of different experience and backgrounds.  We all need a little well-rounded advice from time to time…or a lot of the time.
Charlotte Mason Homeschooling: This is a great book for Charlotte Mason homeschoolers or if you want to know more about Charlotte Mason homeschooling.  Very straight-forward information, easy to page through and very informational.
A Charlotte Mason Education: I love this book and I haven’t read it for a few years, so I need to change that and reread it.  I love easy-to-read instruction guides.  I don’t know if this makes sense, but I can’t handle too many words. I starts to make me twitchy.  I like straight-forward.  Catherine Levison has a great series on Charlotte Mason and this is my favorite.
The Big What Now Book of Learning Styles: I cannot say enough good things about this book.  It is an absolute must-own as a homeschool mama.  Carol Barnier is an excellent speaker and she has such great ideas.  This book is a subject-by-subject guide to teaching your kids in different ways that will help them learn their way.
Mrs. Hutchinson’s Lesson Planner: I mean…you gotta have a good planner, right!?
If you’re interested in seeing our curriculum choices from years passed, here’s some links:
I’m taking part in iHomeschool Network’s Annual Not Back to School Blog HopClick here to see a huge list of curriculum posts!  If you have a curriculum post, go ahead and link up too!
Before you go, don’t forget to sign up for my B I G bag giveaway from Friday’s post!


  1. I only have a second grader and seventh sounds scary to me. Best of luck with that!! We don't use a lot of the same materials, but I love to see what works with those schooling in grades ahead of my son. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Love this! I just decided on Horizons Math and Handwriting Without Tears, so I'm happy to hear you picked it for Sophie! You're amazing – all of this – just wow! I'm working on a post about our homeschool decision and can't wait to share about your books and planner. So thankful for you!

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