I am so excited to announce that my lesson planner is here! I’ve been working it get it ready before August, and even though I have nothing–and I mean nothing else ready for school, I have this one thing ready for 2014 school year. So let’s just pause a minute and be grateful for the one accomplishment, ok?
Ok, then.
Let’s talk about this planner.
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I created this planner two years ago because I always struggled to find what I wanted in a lesson planner. Everything I found was either too complicated or to simplified. I needed something that was just right. Some things I was looking for was:
- a large, double-paged calendar so I could see our month at a glance
- lesson planning sheets with plenty of space for each child
- something attractive!
- space for records, notes, ideas, and white space for brainstorming
- nothing too complicated
The planner I created two years ago was sold in a printed and spiral bound form. It was great for most people and I loved making them. This year, I’m happy to announce, I’m offering them in a downloadable and printable version. If you don’t have a need for attendance sheets, don’t print them! If you want 74 pages of notes, go for it! When you’re done printing out your planning sheets, you’ll have a personalized, just-right-for-you lesson planner that I hope you’ll be crazy about.
The new lesson planner includes:
- large, double-paged calendars
- monthly goal sheets
- two cover choices
- daily lesson planning sheets–both with subjects included and blank so you can customize
- quarterly planning pages for field trips and projects
- weekly lesson planning pages–a double page view to plan your weekly lessons
- weekly schedule page
- notes page
- library list
- attendance record
- scores record
- books-read record
- unit study planning sheet
- book wish list
- educational quotes to encourage
Thinking that you might have a few questions, I narrowed down a few to help you out.
How do we put together our new lesson planner? This is totally up to you. Some people like to work with loose-leaf paper, so you can definitely print out what you need as you go and use it that way. What I like to do is print it out and put it all in a three-ring binder. I like this so I can add more pages if need be. Another option is to print everything you need and take it to Staples or Office Max to have it spiral bound.
Why no color? Well, besides the fact that I’m a plain-Jane kinda girl, I know how expensive colored ink can be. I decided to include very little color in the lesson planner because I knew you’d be printing it at home and I wanted to save you a buck or two.
Can I return my planner if I don’t like it? Sorry, but no. Because of the nature of the download, it’s pretty standard in the world of instant downloads to not offer refunds. I hope this won’t happen though, because I hope you love it!
Can I share this planner with my bestie? You sure can! As long as by “sharing” you mean showing her your lovely planner so she can purchase her own. Just remember these files cannot be transferred in any way. Thanks for understanding.
Love this! Will there be new calendar pages for the new school year?
Hello! I am in New Zealand and our school year has just started. How far into 2015 does this planner go? Does it go till the end of 2015?
[email protected]
yay! just ordered! now to get my butt in gear!
LOOOOOOVE IT!!!!!!! You hit it out of the park girlfriend! I love that I can personalize it before taking it to Staples to bind. Perfect!
And now I just need to order EVERYTHING else!
Alicia! This looks fabulous!! Thanks so much for taking the time to create this! I can't wait to start using it!