I’ve been on Pinterest a lot lately pinning all the most fun things I can find on the interwebs. Even without a house right now, I’m still doing plenty of planning for that house, for school, for art, for holidays coming up, and for my own personal fun…reading!
Of course I use Pinterest to share some of the posts I do here, but I also love to see what other people are doing, reading, and making.
I thought I’d show you eight of my most favorite boards right now and what I’m pinning…
First up: my Teacher Help board. This is where I pin all those great ideas and articles out there that can help serve me better in our homeschool either right now, or later on. My favorite subjects lately are Scrapping the Lesson Plan and Simplifying Homeschooling with Spiral Notebooks.
I am forever saving ideas for my creative kids. My creative kids board is full of so much great stuff, there’s no way we could do it all, but it’s nice to think about trying. Right now I’m focusing on some mountain art because we’re reading Heidi and I wanted to tie that together. But also, this cardboard doll is making me so happy.
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History is my favorite to teach and right now we’re working on a fun unit on Vikings. I found a ton of great ideas on Pinterest for this unit. Right now we’re doing all the reading and “learning” and then we’re going to tie in some of these great projects.
We’re also ramping up our science this semester too, and I have some super fun ideas planned for our unit on creation science. I’m thinking these Tabletop Biospheres look super fun and that melting dough just for kicks is on our list too.
Of course I’m planning and scheming over our new house. There’s several spaces we’re planning on overhauling right away. Although, now doubt has set in and I’m thinking we should just move into an easy apartment, but I have pinned some great ideas just in case I don’t let my doubts consume me.
I feel like it’s been forever and a day since I’ve done any projects, but if I were gong to do something, this hanging botanical print would be the first thing. That floral “S” would be the close second.
Valentine’s Day is just fun. I mean, we don’t have to make a big dealio, but just a few fun projects need to happen. I’m thinking some fun heart-shaped food and some handmade stationary for sending some love in the mail.
Last is my book list right now. I’m feeling so accomplished having already checked one book off my list this year. I’ve had to edit my original list because I found out Phillipa Gregory put out a new book recently and I didn’t know! So I had to add that.
So there you go, my eight most fun Pinterest boards right now. Follow along and we’ll be ambitious together! Add your Pinterest page in the comments and I’ll follow you back! Chances are we’re pinning the same type of great stuff…we need each other.
Well Hello Inspiration!
Your pin boards are another testament to us having the same brain.
Or just me wanting to be as cool as you. There's always that.
Love you! I hope you get to work on some of these super fun projects this week!
I KNOW we're pinning some of the same great stuff, because I've repinned some of your fun pins! I of course have more stuff pinned than I could ever possibly accomplish, but I love knowing I can go there for inspiration & finds something to do (or teach) at any time!
My boards are at : 🙂
Will definitely have to check these out, we are constantly crafting these days, trying to get thru winter!