The Easiest Way To Memorize Scripture With Your Family

One of the most important things we can teach our kids is how to know, learn from, and memorize God’s word. Today I’m sharing how we can easily do that last part with our kids: memorize scripture. With all the things a mom has to remember–appointment dates, what time piano lessons are, putting dinner in the oven–committing things to memory is not the easiest! But memorizing scripture just got a whole lot easier!

Dwell has compensated me for my time in writing this review. All opinions are my own.

We have used and LOVED Dwell in our own family since last Christmas, so when Dwell asked if I would write a review for their monthly scripture memory tool, it was a very easy YES! In this post, I will share what Dwell is all about and what’s included in their monthly packages, why memorizing scripture is so beneficial for ourselves and our kids, who Dwell is awesome for, and how we use it in our home.

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I think you are going to love Dwell too, let’s check it out!

What is Dwell?

Dwell is a monthly subscription that will help you and your family easily memorize more scripture. They send you a monthly toolkit and each one focuses on one scripture.

I love their approach: they create cool art around the chosen scripture and use the first letter of each word of the scripture verse to design the art.

Say you’re trying to memorize 1 Thessalonians 5:11, which says, Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

Dwell creates a design around the letters: TEOAABEOUJAIFYA. Looking at the first letters of the words of the verse helps SO MUCH to memorize scripture! It makes it so doable to memorize too, which I love!


Each kit is so perfect because they’re small, compact, and so useful! The last thing we want is to bring more stuff into our homes that we will just toss or not use.

Every month, your Dwell kit includes:

  • An art print designed around the chosen scripture for the month
  • A key chain with the art design on one side to help you memorize and the scripture on the other side if you need a hint
  • Temporary tattoos with the art design to put on to help you remember to practice your scripture

You can hang the print on the fridge, above the sink, on a mirror or a door—wherever you will frequently see it.

The tattoos are so fun! We have like to put them on the forearm so that they’re easily seen but don’t wash off too quickly like they would on the hand.


There are a million reasons why Christians should memorize scripture, but here are a few reasons I want to memorize it and why I want to teach my kids to as well.

  • Scripture itself tells us to! (This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success. Joshua 1:8 SIDENOTE: this scripture does not denote monetary or career success, but instead success that glorifies God.)
  • To know the Word is to know God. (In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. I John 1:1)
  • Knowing God’s Word keeps Truth at front of mind. Our world lives and breathes lies. In the age of information, there seems to be more fear and misinformation than ever before. Knowing Scripture helps me to know the Truth. The more I memorize, the more just the right verse will come to mind when I need reassured of what the truth actually is.

These are just three of my reasons, but I could go on. Learning and memorizing scripture with my kids is  a skill we will have forever—what a beautiful thing! I’m so glad we have resources like Dwell to help us do that!


Everyone! Dwell is great for families, teens, kids, grandparents and more!

Dwell has individual packets or family packets available. The family option is great because they come with two keychains and lots of the tattoos so your whole family can be working on the scripture together. I love that!

A subscription to Dwell makes a great gift idea or stocking stuffer for teens too.

You can tuck the art print into your homeschool lesson planner and pull it out for morning time too.

I highly recommend snagging a Dwell subscription! We have benefitted greatly from it and have memorized more scripture because of it.

If you are looking for an easy way to memorize scripture, look no further! In this post, read all about the coolest tool to do just that!

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