I want to live in the Pottery Barn catalog

I truly do. And who doesn’t? The sight of it in my mailbox is like seeing a sweet little bottle of creative serum in there. I pour over the pages, dog-ear what I want (like all of it), I mark the things I want to make, and the rooms I want to recreate in my house.
When we moved into our town house in March, my friend Becky helped me get my decorating-groove back. We hung things, set up the rooms, and primped pretty much every nook and cranny. You can see what we did here. The one room that didn’t get a whole lot of attention was my room. We did find some sweet curtains, but it still needed more. 
That’s where Pottery Barn comes in. I used it as my inspiration for my bedroom. I love their soothing rooms and that’s how I wanted mine to look. I was scanning pinterest for ideas for something cool to hang over my bed. Nothing really jumped out at me except for some shelves. I went to HomeGoods on the hunt for a cool looking shelf. But I found this huge driftwood thing. I held a quick-official-kid-vote and the driftwood won, two to one (three to one, counting me). The shelf idea went out the window real quick. ๏ปฟ
I’m so excited about how it all came together. I found the red-striped pillows at HomeGoods too. I saved myself the $100 I wanted to spend on a duvet cover and sewed up my own with fabric I had on hand. ๏ปฟ

The calm, soothing, Pottery Barn-esque theme I was going for was achieved. Yeah! Jarrod made fun of how much I said “I love it!” Like when he came home from work on Monday: “Oh my gosh, I love this room.” Tuesday: “Oh my gosh, I love this room!” I think he really means it though. ๏ปฟ

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My 6-week plan included some house projects that I wanted finished before my parents get here next month. So a big fat check mark is next to “My Bedroom” in my planner now.  Next on my project list is some projects in the boys’ room. I painted a dresser and desk navy blue yesterday. Now to add some bright orange comforters, some cute side-table stuff, and to find something fun to hang over their beds.
So what are you up to this weekend? Projects? Relaxing? Both?? That’s my favorite ๐Ÿ™‚ Either way, have a great one!


  1. I think you should hang teeny little christmas balls in the center of each panel at Christmas time… or mistletoe. That would be even cuter and we both know there's PLENTY of mistletoe in NC.

    I love it Friend! Home Goods never disappoints!

  2. Aww… that comment above mine feels a little bit "ouchy" to me! Though the "driftwood dustbomb" is actually kind of creatively hysterical. Still…

    You made something super creative and unique and I love the whole room… it's very "you." Now when you need an escape, your room will be a haven.

    Love you sweet pea!

  3. your room is very serene, but i'm going to have to comment on the 'driftwood dustbomb', i don't get it at all. i couldn't bear the thought of something so dark and rough/rustic hanging over my head. it's pretty awful.

    your pillows, on the other hand, are darling. love the ticking stripe bias ones.

  4. Looks great, girlfriend! I am excited to start getting my home under control now that I'm not preggers anymore.

    This weekend I will be nursing, so…hahaha.

  5. Wonder Woman! You are on a roll, lady. ๐Ÿ™‚ Love the way your room came together. I've been drawn to more crisp, clean, soothly white lately, too – it's just so refreshing. And yes, a Pottery Barn mag makes for an extra-happy mail day. So impressed with how you are making this decorating stuff happen even in a somewhat temporary home. You are a wonder.
    love you,

  6. Looks SO great! I love it too! love the pillows, comfy chair, lamps, those cool mirrors, the drift wood thing. SO relaxing and fabulous. Way to go getting things crossed off! i found one of the planners you mentioned in your organizing binder post so now i feel like i can start getting things done too. ๐Ÿ˜‰ have a great weekend!

  7. Alicia, it all looks so good, why is is that we alwasy pout our rooms last! I have the day off and what am I doing painting the KITCHEN!
    I went into Pottery Barn a couple weeks ago I just about died from the outdoor living section do you think I could DIY glass blow my own drink dispenser $79!!!

    Have a great weekend!

  8. It's all so pretty! I can't believe you can find something so unusual at Homegoods! But we don't have those around here so what do I know? My room is in a transformative state as well…it has been neglected and pitiful for too long now! Thanks for the inspiration to finish it!

  9. I LOVE IT too!
    Hmm…projects this weekend.
    Probably help my hubby take the dive into staining our table he built.
    He's a little nervous.
    This is a big project…a labor of love, he's never stained before….so he's afraid of messing up.
    Gotta help him with that.
    Hope you have a GREAT weekend!

  10. oooh alicia, it looks awesome!

    i love it!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    i've been working on my bedroom too. it's *almost* done!!

    i didn't comment but i loved your homeschool binder. i wish you were here to make me make one….and the testing, how did it go? we still need to do that too…

    have a good weekend!!

  11. PB catalog would be a great place to live! LOVE the red and white fabric. My favorite color combo!

    I will be helping care for my ill grandmother. I might get some reading done, too.

  12. I'm right there with you..I love it! There is nothing more satisfying than making the version in your head come to life. Great color scheme. I love those red stripped pillows. So Cute!! Our weekend will be filled with packing, but just the short kind. lol

  13. Your room looks GREAT! I just redid our bedroom after moving in a new house 8 months ago. I LOVE IT! I even put our single cup coffee maker in my room, so I don't have to go downstairs to get my first cup of joe in the morning. I actually look forward to waking up early so I can sneak in a cup and book reading in my cozy bed, before all my peeps awake.

  14. Yesterday I wrote out a post for today saying how much I wanted to go camping. And even though the hubby had no idea I did that, I came home yesterday and he had transformed an area in our yard so we could have an outdoor lounge area with a firepit. It's perfectly placed near some trees where we can hang mason jars with candles or some battery operated lantern lights. We even have some leftover hay bales that will go perfectly near the fire pit. I can't wait to have some friends over Saturday night for a bonfire!

  15. i LOVE it!
    you have such a great knack for decorating, alicia, and i love that you use what you have and make it work{BEAUTIFULLY}.

    isn't home goods the BEST!?
    LOVE that store, and i giggled at the kid vote thing…more times than not, we're standing in the middle of the store and i'm taking a kid vote on if i should get something or not!
    have a wonderful weekend! ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Oh. My. Goodness. Your pictures of YOUR room are BETTER than Pottery Barn! It's all so cozy and relaxing! And it kills me that you're able to just whip up a duvet cover- WOW! I need sewing lessons from you- can we squeeze that in our plans? Hee hee!
    Seriously! It is such a beautiful room! Love it! Happy Weekend! Can't wait to see the boys room!

  17. Love how it turned out! Don't ya just love a freshly made over room? I love pottery barn also. I can flip through their catalogs 100 times. Our room is in the process of being made over. Things have been bought and purchases are landing on our front porch from Mr. UPS. (He will be happy when this project is over ha!)

    Good choice on the driftwood! Very Pottery Barn!

    P.S. I won the chalkboard and must say MY husband has been laughing over my excitement for it to come in the mail! Thanks! It's the little things right?

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