December rings true every time; the sights, the smells, the feelings. It’s been hard for me to get into the spirit, but I’m riding on the kids’ merriment and their eye for all things magical. “Can we frost cookies now,” on repeat 40 times a day makes me smile, even though my heart is not in the mood. This season for me has been unfortunately overshadowed somewhat by tying up loose ends in North Carolina, trying to be present in our temporary place, and looking ahead to find the house that we will make our own. Past, present, future homes…it’s a big deal. I texted friends this week telling them my about my current unrest and got big dose of encouragement back. This will come together. I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again…times like these feel like two whipping ends of a frayed ribbon flapping in the wild breeze, waiting to come together to form a pretty bow. But until that happens, it’s still a wind-whipped knot until then. But, and it’s a big but…December is still December and they are limited in this life…I don’t want to waste even one. We will still frost the cookies, still wrap pretty gifts, still sing the songs…sometimes we just need to slap a smile on and wait for it to feel real…our families will thank us. That’s not to say we cover what needs to be resolved, but just to smile…knowing it really will all work out, if not on our own time, the universe’s…and that’s ok too. The world will keep spinning, the Decembers will keep coming. I just want to smile through it….
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her little feet hanging!
We listen to a little Amy Grant, too! We also watch Polar Express. I love traditions! 🙂
Alicia! We were there at Ft. Sisseton! Can't believe we missed you. Bummer. Bummer. I've wanted to go to Frontier Days ever since we moved to Aberdeen and this year we finally made it!