Taking Stock: December Edition

Once in a while when things get hectic, the only practical things to do is to write a list.  But really, I think this is good practice regardless of the stage in life, so I think this should be done more often.  Here’s the December edition of what’s up…

The winner.

Loved Vera’s face in this one…Sophia’s eyes? Bummer, dude.

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Fastest Christmas pic session known to man…10 minutes. Literally.

Making : pretty packages for under the tree
Cooking : shrimp penne for dinner last night
Drinking : coffee…lots and lots of coffee
Reading: The Book Thief…just finished actually…so good
Wanting: to watch the Book Thief movie now
Looking: for a house…all. the. time.
Playing: CandyLand…I lost three times
Deciding: What to get Jack and Noah for Christmas…just need one more thing
Wishing: things were more settled right now
Enjoying: being with family for these holidays
Waiting: for the right house…
Liking: steamed coconut milk in my coffee
Wondering: when Vera won’t be so cranky
Loving: Christmas lights at night + a fire = love
Pondering: who did it??!! Are you listening to this podcast?? So addicting.
Considering: joining the gym in my temporary living situation
Watching: Rehab Addict…Minneapolis girlfriend is inspiring me!
Hoping:  for more snow!!
Listening: Milky Chance…its super good.  Oh, and Christmas music of course.
Marveling: at my new found fire-building skills
Needing: gloves…all the gloves…where do they all go??
Smelling: the Christmas tree
Wearing: stretchy pants
Following: @etst on Instagram and trying to get some of her holiday cheer
Noticing: the frost on the early morning branches
Knowing: things will settle soon and all will be right in our world
Thinking: about the next semester of school
Admiring: other mamas that are so into the cheer of Christmas this year…I’m just not feeling it…I wish though…
Sorting: photos for our 2014 photo books
Buying: a gift for me
Getting: nervous about finding a house :-/
Bookmarking: THIS…I reallllly want to do this in 2015!
Disliking: rioting, violence, general meanness…it’s Christmastime, damnit!
Opening: the December issue of Wild + Free’s bundle
Giggling: over the girls’ shenanigans
Feeling: a little out of sorts…but enjoying the laid-backness of this season of our life
Snacking: chocolate covered almonds
Coveting: a long winter’s nap
Wishing: for a white Christmas…did I say that already??
Helping: my boys to know how much is too much in the joke/prank category
Hearing:  the dishwasher, a whiney baby, kids playing.


  1. Ok, so, how long are you and your adorable family in SD?! I've seen you twice now and before I could say "hi", you were gone. I ran into your kiddos at the library in Aberdeen and saw them again at the Frontier Christmas in Sisseton. Small world. Hope you are enjoying this holiday season and that you will find just the right house soon. Have you read the book "The Nesting Place" by Myquillan Smith? It is so totally like your style of decorating. You'd love it. And so glad that so many readers of your blog have read "The Book Thief". It is a wonderful book.

  2. The Book Thief is so good! I need to watch the movie too:)
    When I heard you were moving to MN I totally had a vision of you being BFF's with Nicole Curtis!

  3. I LOVE REHAB ADDICT. Seriously! I wish we cable because I buzzed through the first (and only) season on Netflix right now. Humpf… ๐Ÿ™

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