I’m trying to wrap my brain around what happened to this week.  After yet another weekend of house hunting (and with that a whole heap of over thinking, over stressing, and over-everything), I haven’t yet found my feet this week and here it is Thursday.  There was a whole list of tasks waiting for me when I got back from Minneapolis Sunday night; birthday planning, computer work to do, school….but I haven’t been able to do any of it this week.  I’m feeling a little out in left field.

So, let’s me and you pretend it’s Monday, back up and catch up, shall we?

There’s got to be more to say than just a blanket statement of “I’m behind on everything,” so we’ll start with something else: House Hunting.  I can honestly say, if I never buy another house again, it will be too soon.  Months ago, when we were planning on moving, I had this fun thought in my head to not say anything at all about house hunting, but just one day I would announce that “THIS is our new house!!!” with lots of explanation points of course.  When it takes seeing 60 houses and three months to find the house, it loses its luster a little bit.  Maybe it’s because Minneapolis has a lot of space to cover, maybe I’m indecisive, maybe I’m delusional, but whatever the reason we have struggled to find something that’s both suitable, functional, and not a half a million dollars.  We were under contract on a short sale house, but after going in for a third time and nearly having a panic attack over the amount of work and lack of space, I knew we shouldn’t do it.  We found another one that same weekend that worked great for our family, but they were way off on their price and they would not budge one dollar…in fact, by the end of negotiating, they said they were taking it off the market and putting it back on in April for $10,000 more.  What is that?!

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Long story longer, after looking at another 15 houses this weekend, we are sitting here on pins and needles waiting to hear a counter or an acceptance of yet another offer.  I really like this house.  It’s not really my style, but it’s super functional for us and it has some great qualities that I love.  We shall wait on…..

School is a little hard for me right now…I have so many ideas and so much I want to do, but driving to and from Minneapolis all the time and all the house stress has interfered with even the simplest of plans I’ve had, but I’m hoping if we get this contract signed and moving forward, we can focus more on some fun stuff.

On the blogging side of things, I have a really exciting announcement coming soon! My sweet subscribers will actually find out later today, so now is a great time to sign up! You’ll be the first to hear my news and you’ll get my free new ebook! Win…win!  The rest of my sweet readers will find out Monday, and I’m so excited for you to see what I’ve been working on!!

I think we might be caught up!  It’s been quiet here this week, which was not my intention, but I just needed some time to process this past weekend.  I hope you’re doing well! Feel free to catch up with ME too in the comments or by email.  I love hearing from you.  Sometimes I miss responding to you because I cannot figure out how to create a comment section where I can reply…so weird.  And sometimes your names aren’t connected to an email, so it’s tough to reply to those, but either way I love to hear your sweet words.

Happy Thursday, folks! Don’t forget to sign up for email updates and be the first to hear the new stuff!! 🙂


  1. Oh I do hope that you get this house. You and I have been doing the same things lately. We finally won two days ago and move into our new house in five weeks. It is incredibly stressful going through this process so I can sympathise with you.

    Best of luck! I feel for you being apart from your husband at such a time. I will be thinking of you this week.

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