Blueberry Pancake Day and Other Random Thoughts

I have about 16 posts swimming around in my head, but this is what I came up with today…a whole lotta randum stuff. I know…it’s surprising.

Yesterday was National Blueberry Pancake Day.  I’m not all that surprised if you didn’t celebrate it…it’s not super popular yet but it’s gaining momentum. I suspect by 2015 or so it’ll be as big as Valentine’s Day or at the very least, Grandparents Day. It is a real day…trust me. Trust Google. We partook by making blueberry pancakes, but you probably guessed that. The kids thought Jarrod would be staying home from work for this celebratory day. Disappointment mixed with syrupy bliss…it was a confusing morning for all.

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I’m obsessed with this album. Obsessed! Have a listen…
I got the sweetest print in the mail yesterday from my friend, Ms. Katy Fults.  She saw that I had posted this quote on my blog last week and she made it into a print for me!! Do you not just love it!?! I’m going to frame it somehow and put it in the baby’s room (if it has a room, that is) to remind me of the good in the midst of our somewhat stressful current situation.  I think this quote has become my new mantra in life.  THANKS so much, Katy! (go see her shop here.)
I’m also obsessed with curriculum planning for next year. It’s only January!! I do this every year…make lists and circle catalog pages, then I have to wait for the current year to be done so I can plan the next. It’s a crazy, awesome, vicious cycle. I cannot believe we’ll be wrapping up our fifth year of homeschooling this year!! I’m also marking my calendar for some good conferences coming up in the area.  I love to go and look at all the books…and smell them. That’s the best part.

Speaking of planning…that’s another post I have in the making: Getting Organized! I am organized, but there’s some areas I need to clean up here and there in my organizational aspect of life and I plan on sharing those ideas here with you.  My dear friend told me about these lists and I’ve been using them…they are so great. I’ll tell you more about it soon.

Today I am running kids to co-op classes, running a few little errands, sewing on Boy Scout uniform patches, cleaning, and going to Boy Scouts.  By the end of the day I am soooo tired. I’m kinda tired just thinking about today…hope you have a great Tuesday!


  1. Don't you love her prints?! Katy has such cute ideas. Makes me want to go shopping. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thought of a verse for you….Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God". One of my favorites and helps keep me focused on Him when things seem more chaotic than I'm prepared to handle.

  2. oh curriculum plannign! i've been pouring over stuff too, so it must be the time of year! i see a MFW pamphlet…if you are thinking of doing countries and cultures, let me know, i'll sell you mine for a good deal ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Awwwh- I didn't know about national blueberry pancake day! Pie for breakfast day is something like the first weekend in Feb. though! And sometime in summer is national s'more day. That is a fun one, too.

    I use that chore planner, too, and love it! Can't wait to see what else you have to share with us!

  4. I used to love all the "national days" for this and that when we were homeschooling. I used to write them down and we'd celebrate weird things. Why did I stop doing that? Gah! That was fun!!

    Happy Tuesday sweets!

  5. I love that you're a nerd like me. I mean nerd in a cool way you know . . . like smelling books and planning next year's school already. ๐Ÿ™‚ Oh and having a cleaning list. HA! I TOTALLY get it.
    What a beautiful print! And a sweet reminder! Love you girl!!

  6. i just don't understand why they didn't give jarrod yesterday off!?
    rude! ๐Ÿ™‚

    also, that print is swoony, and the love behind it? even swoonier!
    is that a word?

  7. Darnit! I hate I missed Blueberry Pancake Day because I love them *and* I have blueberries in the fridge!

    Cute random post, and I heard "Little Talks" yesterday on Alt Nation. ๐Ÿ˜€


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