This week in our Native American studies, we looked at Northeast Woodland Indians. We did a lot of reading this week, but not a lot of “hands-on” stuff. Although, we did learn about how the Indians depended on what they grew in their crops, so we had popcorn and roasted pumpkins seeds for a snack. ๐Ÿ™‚
Books We Read: 

Since we studied the Woodland Native Americans, we also studied forests in science. Again, we read lots of books…some fiction and some non-fiction. Noah did quite a bit of independent reading on his own. Towards the end of the week we started on a diorama of a forest scene as our “final project.”

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Here’s the forest….
Noah painted pine cones we gathered to make the trees…

We painted some little wood thingies to look like toadstools…and most of the other stuff we found at the crafts store. No, not everything is proportionate to everything else…like the bird could definitely take out that bear! Oh, well he had fun.

He actually said..”Mom, I just love this!! It’s so…it’s so…cute!!” ๐Ÿ™‚


  1. Alicia,

    What would you think about us highlighting your landform dioramas over at Shining Dawn Books? Your woodlands, deserts and mountains are some of the best dioramas I've seen and I'd love to show our readers these as wonderful examples!

    I'd include a picture of you (if you like), a bio and links to each of your landform posts. Whatcha think?


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