Vera’s Milestones: 5 months old

Sister friend is five months and feeling oh so sassy about it. 

She rolled over for the very first time on Sunday morning, she’s grabbing for stuff like its her job, and she’s earning her wings tomorrow.  She’s a mover and a shaker, that one.  Poor thing has her first cold ๐Ÿ™ but she’s not letting that slow her down.

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  1. that face
    that rosebud pucker
    that drool

    oh the baby days
    when every morning
    brings a new trick or feat

    i'll be babysitting
    a tiny new girl
    someday soon
    so i need to brush up
    on my baby skills

    Very is looking
    very sweet
    and yay for new talents!


  2. I seriously want to talk baby talk to that child. And I should be ashamed because "you're not supposed to talk baby talk" but for goodness sake the people who made that rule never saw those cheekers! (There i said "Cheekers". I feel better now.)

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