

Alright, so I realized something about myself a while ago–I have good intentions and all these fun summer ideas, things to do and places to go, but if I don’t schedule them in they don’t happen.  I love sporadic fun as well, but for me and all the age-range craziness I’ve got going on in my house, things don’t sporadically happen in a good way very often.  So, we plan for stuff.  Stuff like Art Week.  We’ve set aside a week where we will sit down everyday and create something.  It’s like our own little art camp. 
We started yesterday.  I’ll try to post what we’ve made every day this week. 
We started with a two-minute little banner to make it more festive and I put all the supplies we’d need in a big box on the table.

Our first project were these crazy owls Meg posted a while back on her blog.  It’s a super easy project as far as the little supplies needed, but the project is a little tricky…but just the right amount of challenge and fun in my opinion.  My kids loved this.  Really loved.

You start with a Sharpie and  a 12×18 piece of white construction paper.  The idea is to draw your owl with a continuous line, never picking up your marker.  Meg has a video on her post showing how to draw the owl. 

This is Sophia’s before she had much colored.  She’s six and I think she did a great job.  She would not let me help her at all, my independent artist.

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After it’s drawn, just color it in.  It takes a while to color in and the two littler ones had to take a break and finish later. 

I made some wall space for our projects this week to make it more festive.  Art Week has been so fun so far–today we’re painting airplanes on canvas.  For us, though, things like this can’t take a huge amount of time.  Right now with our stage of life, something like this is a far better option than actually sending my kids to an art camp or something.  We will just take an hour or so after breakfast to work on a project and then they will finish it later in the afternoon when Vera is sleeping.  If I keep all the supplies out for the week, it makes it more accessible to create.

One more owl shot.

Have you made any fun summer art? I highly recommend crazy owls.

Cheerio, darlings.


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