Cannot Believe This

I “met: Amy about a year ago…maybe longer than that, it escapes me. She’s relatively new to the blogging world but she read mine for a while before she started one of her own. We instantly clicked and have been email/phone/text friends for a while now.  We kinda always knew we would meet somehow, somewhere…but then I moved and life got crazier and our plans of meeting looked grim. But a couple months ago, Amy was all, “Hey, what if I just came to YOU in NC?”
Me: Seriously!?! Are you serious!?!๏ปฟ

She was seriously serious.
She’s flying here RIGHT NOW! Can you believe that!?! Would you be that brave? Would you fly across the country for a blog friend you’d never met? Amy’s pretty awesome.
I’m sure all her friends in Montana think she’s nuts. I’m sure her husband is praying right now that I’m not the “cat lady” or a witch or a killer.  It’s weird to meet through blogging, but it works even if non-bloggies don’t get it.๏ปฟ

I have been so excited for this long weekend for a long time. I have plans for us, but we might just decide to throw all those plans out the window and park it by the pool and talk the whole time ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’m planning on showing her Asheville, the mountains, where I live, downtown…all that good stuff. I seriously cannot wait till 3:45.๏ปฟ

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Yesterday I was busy. I cleaned the bathrooms, washed sheets, made cinnamon rolls, wiped the Cheeto-prints off the doors. You know, the big stuff.๏ปฟ
I want to make her feel special. I want her to feel like she’s staying at a high end hotel, with personalized gifts waiting for her. I sewed her up a big ol’ beach bag quick and added a “Montana” to it. I sewed up a matching little bag for make-up or whatever to go with. The mug I made from a tutorial I found here.  There’s candy because I’m pretty sure she has the sweetest sweet tooth ever and I didn’t want her to have sugar withdrawals.
So I think most of us know how stinkin’ awesome this blog world can be, but seriously?? Wow. Seriously…it’s pretty awesome.

So I’ll be sitting here reading blogs and twiddling my thumbs till 3:45. Have a great weekend…I know I’m going to!


  1. That's so awesome – what a gracious hostess you were. Glad you had such a good time. Blessings on your week!

  2. This is so much fun! I know you had a great time while she was there! I moved from Hickory right after you moved to Asheville ๐Ÿ™ But hey, we are still only about four hours away, so hopefully one day we can meet up!

  3. From scanning my
    instagram, it looks
    like you had a blast.
    You really went the
    distance with this
    adorable bag and
    fun itinerary ~ she
    probably hated to

    Happy Tuesday,
    xo Suzanne

  4. yes i totally get it. I flew from ny to california last sept. For my first blog conference and stayed with a condo full of my favorite blog pals. We d never met in person until then and family thougt i was nuts but it was the best weekend ever. In fact, im typing this from the guest room of another blog friends home in virginia this morning.:-) have a wonderful time together!

  5. I can't wait to hear how the weekend went! And I'm more than a little jealous that I'm not out there visiting!!


    Have a total blog buddie weekend together…

    Can't wait to hear the tales of adventure!!

    Melissa xx

    Miss Sew & So

  7. first time visiting your blog Alicia and i just love it!
    (thank you so much for your kind words on mine yesterday)

    wow, that is so cool that your blog friend is coming to visit you! and it looks like you are planning on making her stay there with you extra special. you've thought of all the details. super cute ๐Ÿ™‚

    i can't wait to catch up on your blog!

  8. Agree with poster above. I wish it were me. Have lots of fun! Looks like you'll have a great time (whether you stick to the schedule or not).

  9. That is sooo exciting!!! This June I flew from Ga to Ca to meet my best blog friend. Like you and Amy, we talk daily and all that, so it was great to finally meet in person!! Hope y'all have tons of fun-I'm sure you will!!

  10. I totally get it!!! I, along with my two daughters, packed up last summer and drove to Louisiana to meet a blogging friend, Becky from Buckets of Burlap. It was fabulously fantastic. Yes, people thought I was crazy and maybe I was. What a wonderful friendship/sisterhood has come from that visit. We have visited many times since. As a matter of fact, she and her family are on their way here next week for their second visit with us in Tennessee.

    Have fun..make memories…be blessed.

  11. So much fun! I "know" Amy through blogging too and she has been so sweet and encouraging to me! You are such a great hostess…who wouldn't want a bag full of those goodies!

  12. Oh how FUN!!! That's how I felt when Becky decided to come fly to see me. I was so giddy! Nothing like meeting for the first time and isn't it amazing how you just "click" with people sometimes? What a gift. ๐Ÿ™‚ Have FUN girly! She is sure to adore her sweet little gift.

  13. Oh I can just imagine the excitement! I wish I was the one coming for a visit! And what a sweet hostess are you?! You sewed up a bag for her!!!!???? Ok, now you're my hero too! I'm going to look up plain tickets from AR to NC, pronto ๐Ÿ™‚ Have fun girls!

  14. What a wonderful weekend you will have!! You are just too cute with your mug, lists, soaps etc…Amy will feel so welcomed! I totally get the blog thing. I have been reading blogs for the past 6 months and some ladies you just click with and think, "I so wish she lived by me!" In fact, you and few other of my favorite bloggers have inspired me to start my own blog….I wanna be cool like all you awesome bloggers!! So check out my blog, with just 2 wee litle posts!

  15. happy for you and her! how sweet! hoping and praying that this epic rain stops. you wouldn't want her to miss the drum circle ๐Ÿ˜‰

  16. yayyyyyyy! ๐Ÿ™‚
    how super fun, cool, exciting, is that!?!
    have a great time girlies!!!

    what an awesome gift you have ready for her, too!


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