November (and October) Mock 365
Our November went really fast. Our feast we beautiful though and we took some time to remember and slow down.
And October? Well, since I was all pregnant and stuff I didn’t really feel motivated to take a ton of photos. But I did manage to pull together a little photo sesh of these three. Precious memories.
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Today we are getting our tree! We usually do two, but this year we’re just getting one. I’ll explain all that later. We’re going to set it up and string the lights. Then tonight we’re making fun finger foods and appetizers and having ginger ale in champagne flutes and ringing in the season in style as we trim our tree.
This morning we’re laying back…eating fresh banana bread and watching cartoons.
I have a couple hours carved out as well to steal away and be quiet by myself and meditate on some things I’ve had anxiously laying on my heart this week.
That’s my weekend. How about yours?
Here’s to a holly jolly December!!
I love the party theme…apps and bubbly..perfection!
You have the best photos… LOVE them all!!
What perfect weekend. Merry Christmas season to you and your cute little family.
Hope you had a lovely tree trimming party with your sweet family. Love you friend!
Every time I think of you I've said a prayer! 🙂
my weekend has been busy…too busy.
…all good things but too many good things aren't good, ya know?
dance party on friday night with all the staff wives from church and a crazy cool ornament party last night with friends….good food, good fellowship…good crafting…
all of it was a blast but i'm feeling it this morning.
…could use some "down time" and today is ALL about down time…church and then HOME…ALL DAY. can't wait.
Very low key weekend over here! Not many plans. Tons of rain for us in Ca right now, so we are in serious jammie and snuggle mode! Enjoy your weekend! I love the pictures! xo
The coffee is brewing, the sounds
of the X-box are wafting up from
the basement, my little pup is
stretched out in front of the fire,
and I am catching up on blogs
after three jam-packed weeks.
I like your idea of a meditation
session. So important to do.
Your fall looks cozy and crazy
and full of love and your pics
are awesome.
Happy Saturday, girlie!
xo Suzanne
Sounds like a wonderful weekend plan. Good luck in your meditation– I hope that you are blessed with the direction you are in need of:)