Monday List

I might get in trouble from Glenda for this post…girlfriend thinks she’s the boss of all lists and bullet points.  ๐Ÿ˜‰ But today I have a ton on my mind and a ton more to share with you, so there’s only one way to do that in a calm, cool, and collected manner: a list.
To be more exact, a Monday List.
1. Homeschool Book Sale๏ปฟ
I decided since I joined our homeschool group late in the year and used the “I just moved so I don’t need to help much” excuse, that I should help out with this big used book sale our group puts on. This decision rocked for three reasons:
     *I met the coolest lady ever and her story nearly knocked me over from irony (long story and I can’t share deets, but seriously creepy cool stuff here). Such a blessing to be paired with her as her helper. I met a new friend and an amazing woman.
     *I scored a TON of great finds for only about $130.
     *I crossed off about half my curriculum for next year!๏ปฟ
I know a lot of you out there homeschool and would love to hear what I got (I know I would!!), so here’s a list within a list of what I got.
-Apologia’s Anatomy (text +notebook for $15!)
-3 Human Body add-on books that rock!
-Human Body model $3
-Magic School Bus Germs project kit
-Math Teaching Textbooks (Tiff, I seriously smiled when I bought this because you’re the first to tell me about it.)
-10 books for our shelves that aren’t necessarily for school, but still great literature
-2 geography books
-2 poetry books
-a camping book with recipes and games
-Beyond Survival by Diana Waring (listened to her speak at a hs conference in March and she was great!)
-English From the Roots Up with the flash cards for $7
-2 full unit studies
-4 science books on oceans
-7 history readers
-Story of the World volume 4
-All About Spelling units 1,2, and 3 (this has been on my list and I was too cheap…score!!)
-7 books on tape including 6 by Jim Weiss…my kids love those.
Super excited about my finds. Some of the sellers just said, “FREE! Take whatever is left.” at the end and I grabbed a ton of free stuff. Awesomeness!!๏ปฟ

2. I bid adieu to Facebook.๏ปฟ

Gasp!!! I know, right??!! I did. Just got on there Wednesday morning and was instantly annoyed with myself for spending 15 minutes reading nothing and found myself just plain turned off. Decided it right then and there.
I’m on Instagram @aliciaahutchinson. Follow me there.
and I still have my blog facebook page. That’s not going anywhere. You can follow that here.
Other technological news:

-I just switched my domain name.!!! That was exciting.

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-I am working on a new blog look. I like to switch up my online home as much as my living room furniture apparently. ๏ปฟ
3. Smash Journal Party!!๏ปฟ
So So So excited for this!! I have blogged about my Smash journal before, but sadly, I’ve ignored it. My friend Ricki and her friend planned this super fun link up party. The deal is, take your Smash Book and smash Summer 2012 and fill ‘er up! At the end of the summer, we’re all gonna share our books at their party. It’s gonna be over-the-top radness. I put all my stuff in a basket in the living room so I remember to do it.  If you Smash, do it! My Target even carries them now…go get one and do it ๐Ÿ™‚

4. Pool, sun, and more pool.๏ปฟ
This is all I do, I’m not gonna lie.
Well, I do manage to make dinner once in a while and put my children in bed. Other than that, we are at the pool. It helps that my commune has one, so that means I have a pool in my backyard for the first time ever, meaning I’m there.
He’s there too. Mr. Frog, chillin’ by the ladies at the pool.๏ปฟ Pretty buff in your Speedo there.
5. Car shopping is not my favorite kind of shopping.๏ปฟ
I know what it’s like to have one car. A couple years ago we went for several months with one and we’re going on two weeks again with one. I know a lot of people go forever with one, but seriously…this takes more thinking and planning then I’m capable of.
We sold my car a couple of weeks ago because an eager buyer pretty much fell in our lap, we wanted to buy something bigger anyway, so we did it. But here we are with a chunk o’ change just waiting for the right one to come along and I’m picky, y’all. But it’s a lot of money to buy a car, so I’m gonna keep my list and stick to it…
…I might need to buy a bus pass, but at least I’ll still have my list.๏ปฟ
6. Sister’s off to camp.๏ปฟ
Yep, I’m sending her off all by herself to an overnight camp with 200 other girls in the woods where there’s a lot of bear sightings. Sounds fun right??
Are you serious??? I would never do that!!!
She is going to camp this week though. Morning camp. It’s gonna be a productive week for me.
What am I working on, you ask?

-editing photos

-organizing my recipe binder
-organizing my homeschool bookshelves
-Smash booking
-Ironing 2,657 shirts
-running errands
-getting my haircut
-finding the perfect Father’s Day gift
So there, are we all caught up now? Whew. That was a lot of lists and bullets.
Wait, one more…
On the blog this week:
-pics of Asheville and my parents visit
-more summer goodness, lists, and stuff
-a Happy Day Project
-Charleston photos
Ok, now I’ve really got all the bullet points out.
Happy Monday to you!
miscellany monday at lowercase letters


  1. Happy Monday, sweet A!

    I have a serious crush on
    Charleston ~ have been twice ~
    and YES, I did pick up a
    realtor's magazine and
    dream of living there : )

    This is our first week out
    of school and we are still
    trying to get our groove on.

    Enjoy it all!!!

    xo Suzanne

  2. i JUST bought that same teaching textbooks at a curriculum sale! woo-hoo! and get this…i literally LAST NIGHT finished Beyond Survival, SO good! and i'm working on a smash book:) happy summer!

  3. Hey There found you through the link up. I'm new here. You are too cute and funny. Happy to be your newest follower. The frog and speedo pic although it was blurry that was my favorite ๐Ÿ™‚ If I can quote Jerry on this You won me at Frog in Speedo (wink wink)

  4. Wow I'm sure glad you got that out of your head that's a lot to remember! Car shopping stinks until you drive off the lot in it.

    Have a great Monday!

  5. oh, i was just coming back to see if i missed how much you paid for the teaching textbooks….and $50 is a total score!! what a sweet deal!! if i didn't already have that year i would totally want to buy it from you!!!

  6. I just found you through your post at kojo and i almost wanted to see i couldnt really belive what i was reading…when u said you lived in ashville and you moved from SD!!! Bc i am also a south dakotan:)) I was born and raised in the watertown area..and lived there until i was 18 then got married to another south dakotan and we moved down here to Greenville, SC ( an hour away from ashville…) we have lived down here for ten years now and both of our families still live back there and while it has been soooooo hard i love it…what part of SD are you from??? i havent checked out your blog but im off to check it out a little:)) Just wanted to say hello to a fellow south dakotan:)) how long have u been in ashville?? im your newest follower also;)

  7. i'm so excited for you! teaching textbooks will be your new favorite curriculum. it requires almost no parent involvement, so it will either lighten your load or you'll have time to help someone else!! i don't think it's as far along as some other curriculums, but it's fun and taught super well, so your kids will like it!!

    the local homeschool association around here has this huge used curriculum sale here and i had missed it by one day! i was supremely bummed. so, i'm happy for you!

  8. STOP THE TRAIN! i wanna get on!
    all of that cirriculum you got sounds amazing!
    oh boy. i wish i was that organized. ๐Ÿ™‚
    i'm totally in agreement with you on facebook, too. TIMEWASTER right there!
    do i get extra points for noticing that your domain name was changed?
    not sure how or why i noticed that one, but i did…and i'm the same as you about changing things up! i love to play around with design on the 'ol blog. ๐Ÿ™‚
    i, too, bought a smash journal with all the fixins, but then let it sit..DUH! and then i gave it away to a friend who really wanted one badly, but didn't want to spend the money so i think a trip to target is in order!
    love your lists!
    have a great week!

  9. SO happy/envious of your awesome book sale! It makes me feel a bit lame for not going to ours and buying all our books new. Hmmm . . . not too money conscience on that one. But you inspired me to do it next year, Will you remind me?
    Looks like you're having a splendid summer so far! I'm calling you in a few! We have some serious decisions to make!
    Love you girlie!!

  10. Yeah I have three smash books, one for each of the kids and one for me….I've done one page in each book..LAME!!!

    I've never had a Facebook…I've made a personal vow to never have one, welcome to the club.

  11. Love your Monday list, and I really need to make one! And I am convinced that FB is from Satan….I am only on there for book club groups, although I would like to figure out how to have my blog on there. I might visit yours and see if I can figure it out.

    Very happy you will be smashing with us this summer!

  12. last week of school FINALLY for us. cannot wait!! i want to be laying by the pool with friends. NO fair;) hope you find a car soon chica. that's got to be getting o.l.d.

  13. Oh my, you are just off and running already this summer. Seriously, trying to process all the awesomeness you've been posting here lately, but I'm not going to lie, it's a wittle overwhelming! ๐Ÿ™‚ Having a bit of a reverse deja vue experience, remembering when you were moving and you wrote "you're kinda TOTALLY blowing my mind here (as i take a break from randomly throwing things into boxes like a crazy woman)!!" Yeah, so that's me now. ; )
    NEVERTHELESS, thank you dear, for keeping about 20 steps ahead me so that I may bravely attempt to follow in them. Keep it comin! ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. my kids are going to vbs this week. and so am i. which means nothing will get done around here. boo. but it's worth it. and i may possibly be napping every single afternoon. : )

    phew. i was so afraid i was going to have to hunt down soph at a scary camp and bring her home safely to you. morning camp? totally can handle that.

    hope your week is as productive as can be! have fun, too!!

  15. Whew! That was a lot of awesomness! Now I think I need a nap! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Um, I have beeen wanting to get rid of Facebook for a while but just cant seem to pull the plug! I mostly get annoyed by people bragging about how cool their lives are ๐Ÿ™‚
    I bought a smash book too and it has sat in the bag for about 6 months. Thanks for sharing the link party project. Maybe I will finally use it!
    Happy Monday! xo

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