Homeschooling Day in the Life: Min, Pastor’s Wife and Homeschooling Mom to Four Creative Children
A homeschool day in the life looks different almost every day, right? Over on our Instagram page, we love to give you a peek into lots of homeschool days regardless of how they change day to day.
Today, we’re going to give you a peek into the homeschool day in the life of Min, pastor’s wife, and homeschooling mom to four creative children.
We can all learn and be inspired by one another, regardless of our homeschool approach. It’s not about looking good for social media, it’s about the connection going on inside our homeschool walls and sharing with others what works for us.We might all homeschool a little differently, but we can always look for ideas from each other that inspire, encourage and equip us in our own homeschool days. So each week we create blog posts for you to access later of each of those “days in the life”. We hope you keep coming back for more inspiration. Keep going, mama! These days at home are so worth it!
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Meet Min
Min @min.j.hwang spends her days gratefully serving the Lord in the beautiful Northeast as Pastor’s Wife with four creative children.
She gets to live out her passion for Christ through homeschooling, mentoring mothers, and capturing beauty through art for
Min is the founder of the Life-giving Motherhood nonprofit membership, and shares her homeschool, church, and home culture resources at, while also serving on the Charlotte Mason Institute’s Board of Directors.
Min’s desire is to help mothers curate the Christ-centered education their hearts ache to give their children —cooperating with God to build a legacy of faith aligned with His everlasting Kingdom.
Solitude + Silence With God
Good morning! I’m Min, thanks for being here! We’re alive on this fresh, new day! And it’s pregnant with hope, isn’t it? “Alert expectancy” for what God will do today.
Solitude and silence with God is my life blood. I go crazy without that time, so it’s the most important time of my day. In every season of motherhood, it looks a little different. For today, it’s outside in fresh air on our back deck with a cup of green tea and the music of early birds.
I pray.
I listen.
I read.
I write.
I sing.
And I become more awake to “God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions.”
One field-tested fact: How we mamas start our day sets the tone within us, and we in turn set the tone for our children and their homeschool day. We can be intentional and purposeful with this.🙏🏽
Soon, my oldest and youngest will be waking and coming for a hug and kiss. I’ll meet you back here a little later in the morning.
I greet each one with a big exclamation, hug and kiss as one by one they come out of their rooms.❤️ It’s true what C.S.Lewis said: “There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal.” I love being all excited over their presence. I hope they’ll remember these moments: my joyful tone, my smile at them with warmth and love, and big bear hugs, when they’ve flown from our nest.
We’re going to settle in for breakfast and morning lessons now. My older three (grades 10, 9, and 6) are quite independent – only needing to come to me with the occasional question, and to share their narrations. My youngest (grade 3) needs me most. I’m soaking it in. These younger years fly.
- 💛 Slow mornings
- 💛 Plenty of sleep for tweens and teens especially, as their bodies go through immense change
- 💛 Taking our lessons outside (sometimes to a cafe)
- 💛 Keeping to this: “Don’t let a morning pass without learning something new.”
When I asked my kids a few days ago how they would describe our homeschool, these were their words:
- “Life-giving, rich with literature, adventurous, and meaningful.”
- “Easy-going, fun, and magical.”
It’s my hope they’ll be saying that until they graduate!🙏🏽
With high schoolers, we’re out and about for larger chunks for the day. My youngest often has to chauffeur with me, and even wait in the car or in backs of pews. My aim is always to make it a sweet, special “date with mommy” in her mind. We make crafts together, read, and usually have a special treat to eat.
Shown in the photo is our newest embroidery kits. (Last year, she said about embroidery, “I think I found my thing!”) We got one for her and one for me. They come with the everything we need to make it into a cute little coin purse.😍
One more thing: Where are my introverted mamas at?🤭 I must schedule “rest” days in between our fully committed days. This doesn’t mean we stay at home (actually, we often go visit parks, farms, and farmers’ markets), but it does mean rest for our souls. Just us. We are “home” to each other. And these are the days to nurture our connection with one another. In fact, I often remind them that they are each other’s eternal blessings.
Late Afternoons
Friends who exercise together, grow strong together. In every way!! Body, mind, and spirit, we’re seeing TRANSFORMATION in our joy as mothers.🙌🏼
A few months ago, we decided: “Enough talk! Let’s do this together!” As we get older, and we’re experiencing our bodies and mental health change, we realized we *must* change our lifestyle too.
I’ll admit to you that the first day of class, as I sat there waiting for the teacher to start, I cried. I felt the love and care of God. I hadn’t done something like this since before I became a mom. The funny thing is, I thought this was something for me – and that’s why I procrastinated. BUT, I realized immediately (after one class!), taking care of my body like this (and mind and spirit), is just as much for my family AND God’s kingdom work.🙌🏼
I now have RENEWED ENERGY like a spring chicken in my 30s!! My whole family notices. After co-op (our co-op is done for the year but we still meet), while the children are in youth group, we go do our exercise class together. Praising God for our magnificently made bodies He has given us to do Kingdom work in our home!🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
I’m now about to listen to my precious friend Erika @cmcityliving do a practice for her talk she’ll be giving at a Charlotte Mason homeschool conference next month. (Our teens are still in youth group and my youngest is on a date with daddy.
Thank You!
Thank you following along today! Come stay in touch over @min.j.hwang 🤗
Wrapping up this gift of a day with a lovely big bow by way of getting our home spaces set up for success tomorrow morning.🎀
After we got home from youth group (and the “mock talks” for the moms), my kids were hungry again, so a quick snack, clean up and set up for tomorrow, some cuddling time, a read-aloud (yes, all of them, including my high schoolers still really love this!), prayers together with daddy, and then we’re off to bed.
What a day it’s been! Every homeschool day is an adventure, and that’s the way we like it, right friends?🤭 Promises of grace and hope for another new day tomorrow!🙏🏽
For the King & His kids, Min.