Homeschooling Day in the Life: Lacey, homeschooling mom of two boys in Louisiana
A homeschool day in the life looks different almost every day, right? Over on our Instagram page, we love to give you a peek into lots of homeschool days regardless of how they change day to day.
Today, we’re going to give you a peek into the homeschool day in the life of Lacey, homeschooling mom to two boys, living in Louisiana!
We can all learn and be inspired by one another, regardless of our homeschool approach. It’s not about looking good for social media, it’s about the connection going on inside our homeschool walls and sharing with others what works for us.
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We might all homeschool a little differently, but we can always look for ideas from each other that inspire, encourage and equip us in our own homeschool days. So each week we create blog posts for you to access later of each of those “days in the life”. We hope you keep coming back for more inspiration. Keep going, mama! These days at home are so worth it!
Meet Lacey
Lacey @lacerab is wife to her high school sweetheart & mama to two boys. She’s from Louisiana and loves the LSU Tigers.
Lacey is always learning, mostly about theology and history. She enjoys reading, gardening, and camping with her family.
She has an animal science degree that she gets to utilize as she homeschools her kids and stewards their home and land to the glory of God.
Where We School
I resisted the urge to straighten each chair.
The table may start the day or even the week clean but it never ends this way.
We do pretty much everything at this table–eat, school, and all the board and card games we can manage.
Where do you do school?
Starting the Morning
When we started homeschooling last year I struggled to figure out what works for us. There were habits from school we had to break because we can’t replicate public school at home. There are some habits we kept loosely though.
We don’t start school at 7 or 8. Generally we start at about 9:00am. There are books to read, snuggles to have, chores to do, and things to build. It also leaves time to go outside before the temperature is equivalent to the surface of the sun.
Our Curriculum
The question everyone always asks. What curriculum do you use?
We’re a patchwork kinda family.
-All About Reading
-Singapore Math
-Explode the Code
-Handwriting without Tears
-Mystery of History
-Apologia Science Zoology 3
-Make shift copywork
*These are for our first grader. Our third grader uses his level of All About Reading, Explode the Code, Handwriting without Tears, & Singapore Math.
At our co-op, they each have a science class. One is about the body, currently learning about the skeletal system. The other has a nature study class. Our oldest is also doing public speaking at co-op.
Library Books
Library books! We’ve been learning about canines in science so we’ve checked out a ton of library books on the topic. It’s beautiful outside so we’re reading on the porch. It’s easy to forget about utilizing the library but there’s so many great resources there!
Art in Homeschool
Do you do art in your homeschool?
We’ve tried watercolors, acrylic paint, markers, and more.
We attempt to recreate things we’ve seen or sometimes use kid drawing lessons.
It’s been our new routine to do some art in the afternoon.
When the Day Goes Sideways
Today ended up being an off day. Not because of kids or homeschooling but because I had a horrible headache.
We did the necessities like reading and math, but we also made it through a few other things. Luckily I had been prepared for the day so it made pushing through a little easier. I had higher hopes of sharing school stuff but then the balance of being available to the kids and not on my phone takes priority.
Grateful that we got through what we needed to and that we’ve got tons of wiggle room for learning.
The End of the Day
At the end of the day I look over the planner. I couldn’t find one I loved so I made my own. Each day is pretty much a checklist. Today we didn’t get to read our history but it’s small enough that we can catch up quickly. Or just keep moving through. It’s not something we stress about.
Thank you so much to Lacey for sharing your family’s day with us!
If you want to see more Day in the Life photos and videos, be sure to check out our Instagram profile. There are highlights of each takeover at the top.
I love the glimpse of your planner. What a good idea to make your own for what you need. Any other good made pages?