Home Again
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Halloween kind of snuck up on me this year. It was too quick. The kids were Pirates of the Caribbean characters, including Elizabeth Swan. Oh, and their parrot. She was there too. Doesn’t she look happy?!
We took the kids trick-or-treating in my aunt’s neighborhood. There was a million kids running rampant in the streets, our three included. I wish I had even an ounce of Sophia’s energy. Every house was a race to get to the doorbell and she won a lot. Except towards the end when the heels started having an effect on speed and she slowed down a little.
We came back to my aunt’s, sorted candy, took baths, and they crashed. Then Jarrod and I did something we never do…and I mean never. We watched a scary movie. Paranormal Activity to be exact. It was stupid. I’m not proud. I’m even less proud about the fact that Jarrod fell asleep and left me watching alone and Paranormal Activity 2 came on and I watched part of THAT too. Then I told myself to quit being ridiculous and go to bed…which I did…and googled the synopsis of the movie so I could see how it ended. Obsessive much?! Anyway, don’t watch it….unless you like that sort of thing.
I know sometimes you guys think I go overly “Martha” for holidays and stuff, but you have to understand, I come from a long line of creatives. My mom and my aunt included. My aunt Maggie had gathered supplies for a super spooky dinner before trick-or-treating and it was so fun. The kids loved it. I love that she took the time to figure all that out, just for my babies.
Besides spooky holidays and weddings…friends. I met up with a few friends I haven’t seen in years and it was so good. Friends that go way back so the stories abound…friends that you catch up with like you just got together last week. No awkward hellos, just “oh my gosh, you look great, hug me!!” It was so good for my soul. Still so many people I didn’t get to see. The time is never long enough.
But Vera…oh did she meet somebody. A close friend had a baby just a few weeks after Vera was born. We had so much fun letting them scoot about on the floor together and pull each other’s faces off. Josephine, meet Vera. Vera Mae, this is Ms. Josephine. Friends forever.
very proud of you for that last sentence. 🙂
what a trip…and what a great house you stayed in and what a great picture of you and your man that is!
Hats off to you Mama on your kiddos ADORABLE Halloween costumes. Looks like fun was had by all!
Such fun fun pictures! I just love you guys! Sounds like your trip was good for your heart. Can't wait to catch up! Miss you!!
Good times I can't take looking at Vera she is just so dang cute her name fits her. Have a great week at home!
Sad I didn't get to see you 🙁 next time for sure.
Okay I've missed WAY too many of your posts girl. I am so sorry because I love keeping up with you and your heart. My life just flipped upside down from Sept to October with work. Which was a God send but it kept me from having a LIFE too. LOL Anyhow I love how you ended that post… good things on the horizon I just know it. God has HIs bEST for us. Believe it!! Loved all your sweet kiddos pictures.
i'm proud of you for that last sentence. xoxo!