Hi There, It’s Happy Day

Happy Wednesday! Have you missed me? ๐Ÿ™‚
These days of blog break have been filled with
late night chats
farmer’s market
lots of eating!!

I think I only mentioned my sister being here but just to clarify, my sister, her little boy, and my parents were visiting.  My parents are actually still here, they’re leaving later this morning. My sister’s trip and my parents’ trip overlapped each other in the middle to create a hefty cheering section for Ms. Sophie at the ballet recital and ten days of vacationy fun!

I’ll be back with deets later, but for now…your challenge:
How many pins have we pinned? How many have we actually done?
This week do one of your thousands of pins! It will be so great and make you very very happy.
Par exemple:
I saw this pin a few weeks back and did it almost immediately…I loved it that much.
I pinned this post and she gave great instructions and I did pretty much exactly what she said, but here’s a few pictures of the process.

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I seriously love how it turned out despite its imperfections.
I wear it a lot.
A lot.

Just for clarification, you are totally allowed to link up past challenges…I’m so not picky about stuff like that. If you are just now getting around to buying a plant, just link up…no worries. The whole point of this project is doing those little things that make us mamas happy…just for us.

Your challenge for next week: Pin something, then Do it! ๐Ÿ™‚ That can mean a lot of things: a project, a recipe, a workout, a decorationg idea…

Now it’s time to link up your Happy Day Posts. Your assignment was to post about any happy thing, wild card day, you choose….GO!

Oh wait, I just had to share this: one of my favorite pictures of the week…happy me ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh, and the details for this linky uppy: kindly add my button from the sidebar to your post, link up your post url and not your plain ol’ blog url…just ask me if all this sounds like jibberish.

Ok, now GO!
See you soon….


  1. I love the necklaces – what a clever idea!
    I just stumbled across your lovely blog & have signed up as your latest follower! I look forward to popping back soon for some more inspiration!
    {Country Style Chic}

  2. It has been so busy around here because everyone tries to cram in about two months' worth of activities into two weeks! School is out, and I could not be happier. Yay!

    I think it's so sweet that your family came in for Sophie's ballet recital.

    I hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!


  3. I've been busy with recital rehearsals too! Ours is next weekend. (I teach jazz and tap). I am also going to be dancing for the first time in 10 years. Yikes.



  4. Happy day to you Missy, with the tree day weekend I must get a PIN done, thanks for the motivation.

    Have a wonderful weekend,

  5. these are so adorable, Alicia- what a precious keepsake they will be! Oh and that picture of your sophia is amazing. needs to be poster-size!

  6. I'm glad your back! I want to try a necklace like that…but I am nervous! So happy you are enjoying time with your family. We have our big dance recital next weekend! xo

  7. oh, i love the picture of sophia! she is so adorable. and your necklace is great! if only i knew how to use photoshop! i don't remember seeing that pin of yours….i'll have to go and look for it!

    i'm so glad you're back! i've missed you!

  8. i'm happy cuz your back! ๐Ÿ™‚
    and i LOVE your necklace!
    i had mine all done and drying…was so very proud{too proud} and turns out my resin never set. :/
    i seriously cried!
    now i have to do it all over again but i don't know what happened?
    i followed the directions exactly and i bought the dual squeezy resin so equal parts would mix.
    it's a mystery, and a sad one at that! ๐Ÿ™‚
    have a wonderful day! ๐Ÿ™‚

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