Handmade Giving: Cozy Sparkle-Necklace Sweatshirt

Kirstin has been my friend for a long time and I couldn’t be happier to be sharing her stuff on my own blog today!! She is crazy amazing…as in, fabulous maker/party thrower/sewer lady/and mama.  She is such an inspiration to me.  I know you’ll love her too.

Hi La Famille friends! I’m Kirstin, half of the sister team that blogs at kojodesigns and Shiny Happy Sprinkles, and I’m thrilled to be here today. I just love (seriously, adore) Alicia and am excited to share a sparkly, J Crew-esque tutorial as part of her handmade holidays series.

DIY sparkle sweatshirt- a j crew knock off

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My 3-year-old daughter, Piper, has a serious affinity for sparkles, and pink, so I set out to make her a necklace sweatshirt inspired by this one at J Crew.

j crew necklace shirt knock off

My sparkle girl’s new necklace sweatshirt is both cozy and shiny.

cozy sparkle- j crew inspired necklace sweatshirt

A pink H&M sweatshirt, some pink beads from Michael’s and pink thread made this an easy project. I sewed on the large middle bead first, made the necklace ‘line’ with other medium sized beads and then filled in the gaps with small beads.

cozy and sparkly- j crew inspired sweatshirt (a tutorial)

The sparkle is fabulous, but the cozy factor makes it even better.

pink j crew inspired sweatshirt

Sass and a half loves it. If you have a sparkle/pink/cozy loving little one in your life, I bet they’d love one of these cozy sparkle sweatshirts as well (I am even considering making something similar for myself, so this gift might work for sparkle loving girls of all ages).

kojodesigns tutorials

Thanks for having us, Alicia! Stop by anytime, La Famille friends. We have all sorts of fabulous handmade gift tutorials and Christmas ideas up right now. A few of our favorites? This tea wreath tutorial, 2 minute, no-sew felt diapers, these metallic alphabet magnets, and this DIY clutch, tthis wool wreath, and this Birthday Gift for Jesus.

Check out our other great projects in the series here:



  1. This is so cute! Time is not on my side right now but I REALLLLLLLY hope to have time to dress up my 3 girls' solid red shirts for their Christmas outfits now!

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