Friday Favorites: Spring has Sprung Edition

Spring in North Carolina is my fave.  Until summer, and then that’s my fave.  Until fall. Ok, you get it.  It’s (mostly) been gorgeous spring weather over here and all that does is add fuel to my season-loving fire.  The change of seasons excites me and inspires me; (March and) April showers bringing May flowers pretty much does it for me.  I’m all, “LOOK at that robin!!” and “The daffodils are sprouting, you guys!!!!” I’m sure my excitement has to be part of their love of nature too, right??
We’ve gathered here today to talk about the favorites of the week, right? Well first let me check off all my spring faves: daffodils blooming (duh), spring showers, the smell of spring…you know you know it, flowers at Lowes, and the birds on our bird feeders.  Oh wait, Peeps at Target.  I don’t even like them, but nothing says Easter is coming like bright yellow marshmallow fluff, ya know?
Other than enjoying the heck out of spring, this week I was steamrolled.  Completely.  Last week was full and overflowing and coming back down to real life was overly difficult this week, but I would redo it all in a minute.
A few of my favorites from my zombie-like week:
Cheerios.  Girlfriend can throw them back like nobody’s business and the floor proves that she doesn’t care if she drops a few (thousand). There are many games with our beloved Cheerios; throwing to the floor, feeding herself, feeding others, pretending to feed others and then feeding herself for a joke. Sister is too fun.

The quick wave.  Whereas all our other kids did the bye-bye wave with a full-fledged arm-icopter, little bird does this amazingly adorable, quick little open-shut-open-shut-open-shut to say hello or bye-bye.  Its too much most days.  I just melt into a puddle of mother mess.

 Indoor greenery.  I have to buy plants.  Have to.  I always kill them.  But I keep on buying them.  Poor little guys don’t even know what’s coming.  But we love them while they last. 

 The kids are trying to do better than I can by growing a little terrarium of Bible plants.  I got this great kit at a science shop and it came with five seed packs of plants found in the Bible.  If we’re lucky, in a few months we can totally hit you up with some date palm or some hyssop. 

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Child photographers.  No explanation needed.

New Boy Scouts. Our oldest wee one officially crossed over from a Cub Scout to BOY SCOUT.  This is a pretty big dealio in the world of scouting.  This kid is so pumped to start going for his Eagle Scout and go on all the promised adventures.  Yet another milestone and yet another moment to make my head spin about how fast time goes.  It hurts my heart and yet makes it so full and that is the bittersweetness that is motherhood. Its hard and its happy and its a rubber band ball of separate feelings all intertwined into a big ol’ complicated role. Ah, yes.  

House guests. We love being tourists in our own town.  Showing our peeps around that have never been here is too much fun.  We stayed up way too late and I might have peed my pants a few times laughing so hard and we did let Ms. Corrie leave with the Catch Phrase champion belt, but there’s always a few sacrifices for good fun, right? We took them around, showed them our town, enjoyed Sophie’s birthday with them, and loved watching them love on our kids.  
That’s our baby. They stole her for the day.

There ya go, our Friday faves.  Here’s to more favorites this weekend and catching up on sleep, eh?



  1. Love your days hon!
    Loving the cheerios story- sooooo get that!!!

    When we lived in England- Ritchie and I went and talked to the Cub Scouts about Australia on Australia Day- was the bomb!!
    They loved the sharks/crocodile side to our life {seen both but not daily- they were disappointed with our less than Croc Dundee enthusiasm for swimming with them !! 😉 } Such a wonderful institution Scouts!

    M xx

    Your days are HAPPPPPY!!

  2. I'm so jealy of your Spring weather. Still cold and snowy here….calling for more snow next week!!! I may just wither away and die!! I need some heat and springish activity girlfriend!! Look how big sister is getting!! She is almost one!!! Can't wait to see what you have in store for her b-day celebration!

  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one with a black thumb. I even managed to kill a cactus one time -which doesn't even seem possible. Spring has tempted us a few times but winter is still hanging on here in SC!

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