friday favorites and general randomness

Here is another edition of some of my favorite things this week…and some just random things you need to know.
{Fall Nature Walks}
Just one of the many many reasons to love fall…the nature walks. We’ve been on several this week, just checking out what’s going on.  Sometimes nature study can be confusing…like, what do I do when I get out there?? I have found some of the best nature study resources and you can get them too at Shining Dawn Books. They are sooo good! And there’s so many topics to choose from. Our fall favorite is the one on fruits and nuts.

We’ve been studying cells in science. I am using Apologia’s Anatomy book (which is designed for elementary kids, mind you) and there’s some…well, tricky parts. I’m pretty sure the whole DNA part went right over their heads, but we did make some pretty fun models with licorice and marshmallows. Now maybe…just maybe they’ll see a picture of DNA somewhere and recognize it?? Maybe??
{This Bump}
Ya, so it’s there…there’s no denying it. Is there anyone else out there that can confirm that 4th babies grow at incredible rates? I feel like I’m the size I usually am 2 months from now! I’m a little afraid….must go shopping asap!

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{A Baking Buddy}

She cracked the eggs perfectly.  All three.  We baked this.  Pretty darn good, if I do say so myself.

I’m 30 and I’ve never used anything more than a bar of soap on my face. This is just not sufficient for old chicks ๐Ÿ˜‰  I got sucked into an infomercial all about skincare with vitamin C. What can I say, they convinced me…like most infomercials do.  So instead of making the 3 easy payments of $19.95, I went to Ulta and found this. I got the night cream, the day cream, aaaand the special eye stuff. I have been using it religiously for a whole 6 days.  That’s pretty good!

{Getting Serious}
I’m a Shaklee girl…have been for years. So much better than Target vites, if you ask me.  The girlie I get my stuff from is basically my nutritional guru.  She’s awesome.  If you need a guru too, her name is Dara and she’s a HUGE help. You can find her website here. The prenatals the doc gave me looked more like a prescription to me, so I asked my guru if I could skip them. She said yes. ๐Ÿ™‚  I ordered some extra stuff I don’t usually take and stocked up on my regulars. Now I have a stocked vitamin cupboard and it feels gooood.
Skincare and vitamins make me feel super responsible.
We’re off tomorrow to go visit friends in Roanoke, VA…what are you up to this weekend?


  1. You are so fun! We did pipe cleaners and beads for DNA. bleh. Adorable pictures. I was in maternity clothes with number four about 6.2 seconds after seeing the plus sign! Happy Sunday!

  2. I am so glad I am not alone in the "Whoa, where did this bump come from?" While this will be the third baby I give birth too, it is actually my fourth pregnancy, and I am so afraid of how big I will be at the end. But i'm also trying to embrace it, because let's be honest, everyone loves a pregnany gal. You'll rock it out and be so adorable! xo

  3. Your baby bump is precious. As a mama of four, with my fifth due any day now,I must say that I get larger, earlier, with each pregnancy. I am trying to embrace it; these little ones are so worth it. The bread you made looks amazing! I am a fellow homeschooling, North Carolinian. Blessings to you!

  4. I was in a store this morning, flicking through a few magazines and not buying any and there in Martha Stewart's was an article on Asheville and how beautiful it is. It would have been cool if you'd gotten a mention! Enjoy your weekend with your friends ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. well how caaaaute is the bump, girlie!?
    i don't remember if i grew faster with #4??? that's pretty sad!
    we are loving nature walks. too.
    i have become obsessed with fall tree picture taking as of late. the colors are just too good!
    and for skincare…you should know that the shaklee cleanser and c & e repair cream are ahhhmazing. like wrinkles be GONE amazing. you gotta try the whole set.
    i have STRUGGLED with icky skin my whole life, so i'm kinda jeal that you only use a bar of soap?!
    anywho, your vitamin stash looks a lot like mine….best stuff out there.
    hope your weekend is grand!

  6. Nature Walks! Need to do more of those! Always seems like something else is taking their place. Just have to remember that no matter what CM people say about getting out in nature "every" day, I don't do that in South Dakota winters! Better enjoy it now!

  7. Heavens, your bump is cute. Grow baby grow!

    I will be 30 this February and now I find myself VERY interested in skin care aisles and commercials and ads. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I'm really bad about vitamins. Need to get on that!

    Enjoy your weekend with friends. Tonight is a craft night with some pals and tomorrow an outdoor movie party! Fun stuff.

  8. YES! Baby # 4 grow much quicker! And your sweet lil' bump is ADORABLE!! And yes, you should go shopping, you got a good excuse. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I was cracking up at your skin care products! When I turned 30 (many moons ago) I started reading all the skin care ads in magazines!
    Sophie is precious! And quite the lil' baker- those looked scrumptious!
    Have a super fun weekend! Happy that you get to have a fun lil' get away!

  9. Look at you girl! Love your bump. You know that's stylish. Need a tee that hugs. That's what all the celebrities do;) Have fun this weekend with Carissa. I'm sure it will be so fun to see her new house. Take pictures!

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