Today applies to everyone, even mamas without a lesson planner. Because if you don’t have a lesson planner, you probably have a regular planner and if you do have both, they’re probably all full to the top, right? So many times we’re faced with seasons of sheer craziness. Even without trying to be that way, sometimes it just happens. Maybe you have unexpected visitors or an ongoing project that was only supposed to take a few days, but is now at a few weeks. Maybe you’re moving or you just had a baby. These are times we need to be ok with stepping away from the lesson planner. Give yourself some grace–some time to just be ok with the chaos. Keep order as best as you can–keep your house picked up and keep putting one foot in front of the other, but the full lesson planner or list can wait. Just get through this season.
If you’re in a season like this, look ahead a little bit. Is there an end in sight? If you can’t see one, that’s ok…it will end eventually. If you can see when the stressful season will end, just tell yourself to get to that point and then you can pick up the planners again. Until then…
use the Magic School Bus videos your kids love
have them read to each other or help each other with their math
pull out the learning games
grab the chemistry set and let them do their own science class
find some good documentaries on Netflix
have them bake–double the recipe–math!!
send the kids outside to pick out some pretty things in nature to draw
give them handwriting paper and have them practice on their own
let them listen to books on tape
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Whatever it is you’re going through, it’s just a season. You kids will be fine. Just pick up again with your regular schedule when you can. Know when to step away from the lesson planner and stop pushing forward when you can’t anymore.