This is the time of year we’re pulling out our fall décor totes and our Christmas totes and sprucing our homes up all pretty for the holidays and the changes of seasons.  Probably not as much these days, but in the past, I would get really stressed over all the work that decorating, especially Christmas decorating entailed.  It took a long time!
Here’s the thing about keeping your home décor simple: so much of what we’re storing, we don’t even like anymore.  We keep putting it out because we always have.  It’s ok to let some things go, create more space in our homes, and have more blank space on our surfaces this holiday season.

Sticking with simple décor

Go through your decorations and toss
If you don’t love it, get rid of it.  There’s no reason to keep storing something you hate.  Even if it was a gift, sometimes someone else would love it and really use it.  Keeping stuff in boxes isn’t worth the headache of all the stuff accumulating.
Figure out your true style
Some things in your storage totes might not even be your style.  What is your style though?  Do you even know?  Sometimes I wonder about it myself.  Go through your Pinterest boards and look for similarities.  Does what you currently own match your style?  If not, start over and find things that fit your style.
Use nature
I love using branches and things from outside to decorate inside.  It’s free, it’s beautiful, and it adds so much interest to your home décor.
Keep open spaces
Not every surface needs to be covered with something. You can leave a wall blank for a while until you find just the right thing to hang there.  I love having cleared off spaces in my home.  It’s like a pocket to breathe!
This year when you’re dragging out your totes of pretty things, evaluate what you love, like, or don’t like at all.  Get rid of the latter, think about the second, and set out the loved pieces to enjoy.
This post is part of a 31-day series on simplifying our homes and schools.
To read from the beginning of this series, click here:

One Comment

  1. This is such a good reminder! I do have some Fall things (and do love all of what I use) but not too much. But I fully admit to being an all-in Christmas decorator. I LOVE it. That being said, I am still storing some things that I KNOW I'll never use again & really need to get rid of them with a trip to goodwill. I do not buy anything new anymore except for ornaments but I still definitely need to let go of some things!

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