I love when it’s time to plan your homeschool year again. I used to take hours and hours to do this task. Days, in fact…or more!
It used to take me weeks to plan our homeschool year! It was an event!
But as I’ve had more kids and my time has become more limited, I realized that was not going to work anymore. PLUS I realized, that I was spending so much time planning and then after a few weeks of school, I would already be modifying my plans because there were so many things I hadn’t taken into account.
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Plan your homeschool year in one day?
Yes, you totally can!
So now, I start planning by assessing our LAST year of homeschool.
I ask myself CRITICAL QUESTIONS (there’s nine, in fact) about the year we’ve just finished and use those answers to decide how our NEXT year is going to be planned out.
If you’re just starting to plan your homeschool year too, do yourself a favor…plan it the SIMPLE way. I have been planning like this for several years now and I won’t ever go back to the complicated hours of planningplanningplanning and seeing no return for my efforts.
And because I don’t want you to spend all those hours pining either, I created a simple guide for you to quickly and most of all EFFECTIVELY plan your school year too.
Don’t stress out about curriculum.
Don’t stress about what days you’ll be doing lesson 45 of your math lesson.
Don’t stress about planning each day out to the minute.
Set the Framework to Plan your Homeschool year
After I’ve asked myself the critical questions that will help me review and assess our last homeschool year, I get it all out on paper. This is my brainstorming page based on the questions I’ve asked myself. I never start with that common question we all ask each other…
What are you going to use for blank or blank? I need a new curriculum.
Um. No.
Why? Because you have to figure out what went great and what needs help for next year before you even think about curriculum!
After the assessment is done, I keep that paper close at hand while I just a Year-at-a-Glance calendar to literally build in those much needed breaks we’ll need in February or March. It feels SO good to feel burned out and know that you’ve already built in a plan with breaks!!
Plan for Success!!
Next, things get meaty!
Sorry I said meaty.
I create a Course of Study for each of my kids. Using the brainstorming sheet and making sure I’m adding in those areas we need help in FIRST, I plan subject by subject what we’ll be studying and what we’ll be using.
I do an honest assessment of what’s lining our bookshelves and put to use those things that have collecting dust and add those into the course of study.
After the course of study is ready, I like to make an overview of the whole year. Read alouds, special unit studies, etc. I plan this all out.
Create Some Order + Organization
Last is creating some order and getting things organized! I’ll also order any new curriculum now as well…this is the last thing I do!
I file all the old stuff away in my tote-system and toss the rest.
Yes, you can plan your homeschool year in three mornings!
All you need is three mornings of quiet to listen to three quick videos and an afternoon to organize your things.
Planning your Homeschool Year the Simple way is the simplest, painless, fluff-free planning program you’ll find out there. In each section I go over each of the steps I’ve laid out above in detail. Here’s what you get:
Plan your homeschool year the simple way with LWC
- You’ll plan your entire homeschool year in 3 simple steps.
- Each step includes a video presentation lesson
- Simple steps to do with each lesson
- By the end of class, your school year will be planned and ready
- You’ll have your curriculum in order
- And you’ll be completely ready for school to begin!
What we’ll cover:
- Why setting a framework and assessing your school year is the only place to start planning.
- Planning a course of study for each of your children and why this is SO important.
- Making a plan before making a purchase.
- What’s NOT so important when you plan your year
- and MORE!
Planning Class includes:
- Three complete lessons for planning your homeschool year
- Full notes for each lesson to print and review
- Exclusive downloads to accompany the class
- Access to a members only Facebook group
- And mostly: Peace of mind to thoroughly plan a successful homeschool year quickly and efficiently.
Best of all?? You get lifetime access to this class, so next year you just have to log in and go through the steps again! The original mamas that went through this class last summer are currently plugging away getting their homeschool years planned too right now!
Summer is short, my friend. Enjoy it!
Pop into the class, make a commitment to finishing it in just a few days, and get it done!
That’s my plan! I hope it can be yours too!