
May: A Favorites Post

A fresh new month.  A new list of goals.  A new page in the calendar filled with fun things.  And a quick little mindless post to spread some simple pleasures, some favorites from this week.


May Day Baskets.
The kids and I dug through our stash of craft stuff and made up these little May Day baskets.  They had so much fun running to the neighbor’s doors, ringing the doorbell, and running like mad.

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Pictures in the same place, at the same time of year, but one year later.


Zoo First Timers.

A hot, sweaty day at the zoo.

Front stoop chalk art.
Grandma was here last week and she helped us create some great sidewalk scenes.  We have a million more ideas.  Better stock up on chalk.

First thing in the morning hugs.
Vera’s hugs and kisses are sometimes few and far between.  Sometimes she hugs and sometimes she pulls hair.  Sometimes she kisses and sometimes she bites.  Sometimes she’s as sweet as can be and lets us smoosh her with hugs and kisses.

 Alright, there’s a little bit of happy for your weekend. Now two episodes of Mad Men are calling my name.  Better not leave Joan and Don waiting…..

….have a great weekend.

ALSO, the winner of the Artterro giveaway was Lindsey Aylward! Congrats, Lindsey!


  1. Lovely little May Day baskets and fun sidewalk chalk art. Hope you're enjoying your weekend. We have sunshine here in England, yay!

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