Homeschooling Day in the Life: Kristen, Homeschooling Mom to Three Kids and Homeschool Resource Creator
A homeschool day in the life looks different almost every day, right? Over on our Instagram page, we love to give you a peek into lots of homeschool days regardless of how they change day to day.
Today, we’re going to give you a peek into the homeschool day in the life of Kristen, homeschooling mom to three kids and homeschool resource creator!
We can all learn and be inspired by one another, regardless of our homeschool approach. It’s not about looking good for social media, it’s about the connection going on inside our homeschool walls and sharing with others what works for us.We might all homeschool a little differently, but we can always look for ideas from each other that inspire, encourage and equip us in our own homeschool days. So each week we create blog posts for you to access later of each of those “days in the life”. We hope you keep coming back for more inspiration. Keep going, mama! These days at home are so worth it!
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Meet Kristen
Kristen @arrowsandapplesauce is married to her high school sweetheart, mama to one through adoption, two through biology, and all are miraculous (but she’s not biased)! She knew she wanted to homeschool since she was in high school. She had worked toward that goal ever since, until she realized that homeschool is a fluid and ever evolving way of life. To her homeschooling is full of the unexpected and as a result a “goal” that can never be met, simply enjoyed.
Kristen has always been entrepreneurial. After founding a painted rock stand on the sidewalk at age six, she was hooked and applied for a business license in high school “just to be prepared” for her next big idea. Kristen now happily and conveniently creates homeschool resources, mostly for her own kids, but other people seem to like them too.
She has big dreams and plans far into the future, always holding those plans as loosely as she’s able, and trusting God to be glorified through it all.
Good Morning!
The morning is flying by!! Thank you for following along! Mornings are all about reading and food here and we love it. What’s your favorite way to start the day?
Lunch + Quiet Time
Lunch and quiet time! Morning lessons are done and now it’s time for a break. I don’t eat lunch with my kids (usually). It may seem odd, but after a morning of reading and individual lessons, a little break is helpful. I eat within earshot and they eat in the kitchen and enjoy some sibling conversation.
I used to read out loud while they ate, but it made my lunch super late (and made me hangry). So for this season a little separation works for us.
After lunch is quiet time. Everyone in their rooms to play and listen to an audiobook or music. I reverse plan our morning (write down what we accomplished), and get some work done! Did I mention I own a small business!?
Do you find separate time during the day helpful?
Thoughts on Milestones
The longer we homeschool the less I care about “milestones”. My youngest is technically in kindergarten this year (although here in CA kindergarten isn’t required) and it’s been the most relaxed I’ve been at this stage of learning. He absorbs SO much just by being in the room with us all day, hearing what we’re talking about. His kindergarten journal has been a great way for him to practice the basics and feel “like a big boy”, but I never push it. It’s such a blessing to enjoy each individual pace my children learn at.
Has your homeschool style relaxed over time? What would you say has changed the most since you started?
Afternoon Free Time
With formal lessons done for the day around 3:00, we have the whole rest of the afternoon to play. This is when my oldest might do piano, they might all go outside to play, pull out a board game or play dough… whatever they want!
We school all year long with short breaks so even if we don’t get to a subject here and there (like science and Latin today) it’s no big deal! It all balances out in the end.
Do you do school all year or prefer a long summer break?
Thank You!
Thanks for hanging out with me today guys!! I haven’t done a Day in the Life in nearly two years. I forgot how exhausting it is. Of course it’s pretty impossible to share every aspect of our day. You didn’t see me do dishes, break up arguments, or brush my teeth but I promise it all happened. I do share pretty consistently in my stories during the week too though, so if you would like to see more I’d love to have you over @arrowsandapplesauce !! Happy homeschooling!!
If you want to see more Day in the Life photos and videos, be sure to check out our Instagram profile. There are highlights of each takeover at the top.