Friday is like a recap day for me…what went well this week, what did we accomplish, what is carrying over to next week…Friday is a favorite day and here is a recap of some favorite things from both this week and last:
Turning Two.
Little bird turned two last Wednesday.  The night before her birthday I had a little cry because I hadn’t planned anything really.  A trip and a cake was the extent of her birthday planning.  I am tired.  Moving and life has weighed me down and there wasn’t a lot left in me to plan a big thing.  So, I cried about it.  But then I woke up and kissed my baby (who I will always call my baby) and realized she doesn’t care anyway.  The zoo and a pretty bakery cake was enough.  Grace, mamas, we need grace.

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Luckily, I had already unpacked my pretty mismatched China plates.  They made the casual celebration that much more special.  And look at that cake…I mean…so pretty.


Sunday we decided to get pretty and have a semi-fancy brunch for our two-year-old.  We kept the china, added some fancy tea cups, and the dress that big sister wore on her second birthday.  Simple and perfect.

Finished corners.
There’s still so much to do in the house, but it’s coming together in other areas.  I hung a shelf on an open kitchen wall and pieced together some things that had been in other parts of the house before…or in boxes for like 4 years.  I love this little corner.  Sometimes when I feel overwhelmed with things to do, I just go back and look at it.  It reminds me of what I HAVE accomplished! 

Real-life learning.
My kids have been doing a LOT of real-life learning lately.  Things like measure the rooms and figure out how much new carpet costs and finding the price of a plumber with his hourly rate has been awesome ways to do school in this busy time.  My kids think they’re getting of easy…but they’re actually learning SO much! 

Our yard has a lot of work to do in it.  My kids and I all went outside for a few hours and raked and picked up sticks.  What a rewarding way to spend the morning! Our bags and boxes full of yard debris was instant gratification!

Big accomplishments this week!
I have been dreaming about writing and completing an ecourse for a long time…this week it finally became a reality.  The course has had such great feedback and it seriously blesses my heart to see so many benefitting from the hard work of myself and the other contributors.  It was a lot of work, but there’s been even more payback with your words of encouragement.  Thank you.
And if you haven’t signed up, you still can! We are planning a live video chat next week and I’m putting together a new video to show of the highlights of the course.  Stay tuned…  

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