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I’ve shared here before about our plan for high school language arts. Language arts is beginning to be one of my favorite things to teach. Why? Because there are so many great resources out there! I’m working on a post of our TOP 10 favorite language arts resources, but for now I want to share with you something we’ve used for a while now.  I’m always pleasantly pleased to find resources that we love that are still available at the high school level.

I want to share with you about Editor in Chief for high schoolers with you today.

Editor in Chief workbooks for your high schooler

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What is Editor in Chief for High Schoolers?

Editor in Chief is a workbook that’s basically comprised of a series of essays, bulletins, letters, and more. There’s a catch though. There’s loads of grammatical mistakes and your kid needs to find them. There’s clues for each assignment, “Find the 13 errors in this passage.” This is great so your student isn’t going off on a wild goose chase but they know the number of mistakes they are needing to find.

Your student will then mark the mistakes and you will come back in and see how they’ve done. The answer key is in the back of the book, which is great because no teacher’s guide is needed. You’ll also find a grammar guide in the back of the book. If your student gets stumped or is wondering why a certain element is incorrect, you can look up the reasoning in the guide.

Editor-In-Chief Level 3 covers the following topics:

  • Content
  • Capitalization
  • Adjectives
  • Adverbs
  • Articles
  • Conjunctions
  • Pronouns
  • Verbs
  • Clauses
  • Phrases
  • Agreement
  • Clarity
  • Parallel Structure
  • Modifiers
  • Confusing Word Pairs
  • Apostrophes
  • Punctuation
  • Spelling

Why my son + I are BOTH enjoying Editor in Chief

My high schooler has been through years of grammar. He’s quite good at it, too. We are using Easy Grammar workbook a few days a week to keep sharp on his skills. Then, we are using Editor in Chief a day or two a week as well.

  • Each lesson only take a few minutes. This is perfect because we don’t really need our grammar lessons to take very long.
  • This is a great way to teach everyday application instead of fill-in-the-blank workbook style, like most grammar books. Noah has learned how grammar in the real world actually works.
  • Editor in Chief really helps with editing his own work. Now that he’s getting an eye for editing, Noah is getting better and better at it, which is great!

Editor in Chief has been a great addition to our high school language arts. How about you? What are your favorite high school language arts resources?

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