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Do you feel like you need something to keep kids’ hands busy during read aloud time? Are you looking for something fun to pep up your history class? Do you have a creative kid and aren’t so creative yourself?

I’ve got something super fun to share with you.

Famous Figures is a series of cut-outable figures that hook together with those cool little spreadable pins. Your kids will love them. And you’ll feel like the cool history mom again.

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But let me back up.Famous Figure historical puppets for kids who love art and history.

What are Famous Figure history puppets?

Famous Figures is a series of amazing history resources–a compilation of famous historical figures from a certain period of time. The series includes Civil War figures, Ancient Civilization figures, Middle Ages figures, and American Revolution figures. There are more than this. You can check out Timberdoodle’s page for all of them!

These books are packed with some of the most intriguing figures of their time. The beginning of the book has info cards that can be displayed with the cutout puppets or just read as the kids cut them out.

Each figure is basically a dismembered version of themselves. You have the option of cutting out the colored  or uncolored figure as well. If you have a kid who loves to color, they will love this extra step. If you kids can’t stand coloring, but love putting puppets together, they will love the version that’s already colored.

When all the pieces are cut out, you will then connect the pieces with brass fasteners. (Yes I had to Google what those little buggers are called.) When they’re all connected and look like regular little figures, you can hang them up individually or hook several together to make a very cool historical garland.

This was our Middle Ages Famous Figure garland for our annual art show at the end of the year.

Famous Figures of the American Revolution

I’m super excited about this book because we are getting ready to study the American Revolution. We used the Middle Ages book last year for our study on Medieval Times.

Here’s the famous figures included in the American Revolution book (a colored and black and white version of each of these):

  • Benjamin Franklin
  • Betsy Ross
  • Daniel Boone
  • George Washington
  • John Adams
  • Molly Pitcher
  • Patrick Henry
  • Paul Revere
  • Soldier of the Continental Army
  • Thomas Jefferson

Photo by Joy Prouty of Wildflower Photos.

Why we use and LOVE Famous Figures

Can I just say everything? Ok, I’ll be more specific. These are great for lots of reasons.

  • Famous Figures gives my kids something to keep their hands busy while I’m reading about our history. (These books also include a great book list about the time period too.)
  • I can easily add in a arty element to our history lessons with these.
  • Taking the time to cut out these figures really helps to cement the characters into their brains.
  • My art lovers are happy and my not-so-arty kids don’t get stressed over this project. They’re easy!
  • No glue required. Enough said.
  • You can display them which makes for an even bigger impact because they see them every day!

Have you ever used Famous Figures books? What are you studying in history right now? 


  1. We have used the medieval ones this year and loved them too! I love the idea of hanging them up as a display.
    I have to ask what timeline that is on the wall? I’m researching for next year and I really love how that one looks! Thanks!

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