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A Day in the Life of Homeschool Mama Laura

A Day in the Life of Laura, Homeschool Mama of Five

Hey! I’m Laura from @herdofhemphills!  My husband and I live in a small rural town in the middle of Kansas where we raise our herd of 5 kiddos (10,8,7,4,2). We have been doing this homeschool gig for 4 years now and in full disclosure, since we are among friends, we are just now starting to find our rhythm! We have tried lots of different styles and curriculums on for size over the years and pulled bits and pieces from just about all of them making our schooling style more on the eclectic side of the homeschool styles.

With kiddos so close together our seasons of life seems to always be changing so I try and give myself (and kids) a little bit more grace and try to remember that what works in one season of our life may not work in another season, and that’s okay. So hopefully our current season of life will share a little bit of inspiration with you all, or at the very least show you all that their is at least one more person in the world who is just hoping and praying that they don’t screw their kids up too bad!

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Good Morning!

My kiddos never got the memo that it’s okay to sleep in so our day usually starts about 7-7:30 when they all start rolling out of bed. While I’m getting ready for the day, drinking another cup of coffee, reading a book, or whatever I decide to do that day my kids get their own breakfast. The big kids help the little ones get what they need and when breakfast is done they get a couple chores done and get dressed for the day.

Morning Basket Time

We start out with our morning basket. In that basket two of my kiddos have calendar pages that they work on. While they are doing that my oldest does his creative writing prompt for the day, and I am usually reading a little bit of our read aloud. After they get that done they do their Bible journaling.

Curriculum Rundown

For our curriculum we use The Good and the Beautiful curriculum for language arts (spelling, Grammer, vocabulary, writing), handwriting, and history. We use Math -U- See for math. And for science I just kinda piece together what ever topic we are working on.

Balancing Working with Lots of Kids + Ages

While school is happening I definitely feel like a ping pong ball bounce back and forth between kids. I try and stager who is doing what so that I can be working with someone while the other two are working independently. Sometimes it works seamlessly other times…. But for the most part we have a pretty good rhythm.

Reading Incentive

A pizza all your own is a pretty good trade off for all that reading they did! I did the book it program when I was little so it’s fun to be able to do that with the kids!

Special Time with the Little Ones

In the afternoon I try to make sure and focus a little more time with the little kids. So this afternoon we are playing in our sensory tub.

Thanks for joining our day!

Alright sweet new friends, we are finishing up dinner and getting ready to start the bedtime routine so I will leave you with one last picture. Here is all 7 of us standing in the middle of our quite little main street at 5 o’clock sneaking one last picture for you all! I had a great time sharing our day with you all! This learning well community is an amazing group!


Thank you so much to Laura for sharing their family’s day with us!


If you want to see more Day in the Life photos and videos, be sure to check out our Instagram profile.  There are highlights of each takeover at the top.

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