A Day in the Life of Homeschool Mama Julia
Here’s a look at the Day in the Life of Julia, homeschooling mama to two little ones, who loves learning through play, and is an emergency room nurse. At Learning Well, we understand that homeschooling doesn’t look the same for all of us. We understand it doesn’t have to either for us to learn and glean good things from each other. Each Wednesday, on our Instagram feed, we feature a new homeschool mama to take over the feed and show us what her day looks like.
Some of us homeschool for religious reasons and that inspires our homeschool days. Some of us homeschool from the road and never do school in the same place twice. We might have been homeschooling for years and years. Or we may have just begun our journeys. We understand that those details don’t really matter though. The common thread that binds us all together is our desires to educate our children differently.
We might all homeschool differently, but we can always look for ideas from each other that inspire, encourage and equip us in our own homeschool days. So, each week, we create blog posts for you to access later of each of those “days in the life”. We hope you keep coming back for more inspiration. Keep going, mama! These days at home are so worth it!
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Meet Julia
Meet Julia! She’s an emergency room nurse and a homeschooling mama, both of which keep her very busy! Coming off of Mother’s Day, I love that we’re highlighting a mama that wears many hats—like we all do! Follow along with Julia @northwoodschildren and her kiddos!
Good Morning!
Hello Learning Well Community! My name is Julia and I have the privilege to be the mom to two adventurous boys {4 and 1.5}. Our homeschool style is a little bit of everything right now. I lean towards Charlotte Mason and Classical Education. We do plan on starting our local Classical Conversation group this upcoming year and are excited for the connection with other homeschoolers.
We decided to homeschool our children when my oldest was only one. We were in Chicago tagging along with my husband on a business trip. My son and I explored that city together and had so much fun. It was then that I decided that homeschooling could be an option. I purchased my first homeschool book while in Chicago eager to get home and start learning more. Thank you for following along today! {Photo is from Easter Day}.
Our Daily Rhythm
Our school room has been a work in progress. I have been collecting books, activities, puzzles, and toys over the past two years. We decided to make a corner of the house dedicated to homeschooling just so everything is in the same spot and not scattered all over the house.
Our daily rhythm looks a little like this:
✨Breakfast and read books (poems and living books) ✨Get ready for the day✨Go to homeschool room and work on an activity. We also listen to our folk song and hymns during this time. ✨Play inside or outside✨Lunch✨Outdoor time/nature walk ✨Dinner
The Importance of Play
“For children, play is as natural as breathing-and as necessary.” -Mimi Brodsky Chenfeld
We like to play around here. I am also starting to think play is just as important for the mother. Who wouldn’t want to join in on this fun? I really enjoy setting up little areas for the boys to find and play. This was my alternative to turning on a show for them, and now it has just become part of our normal routine. This isn’t to say we don’t watch television, but I want my boys to use their imaginations and make that a priority. What are some of your favorite ways to play?
Spending Time Outdoors
”Quite simply, when we deny our children nature, we deny them beauty.” -Richard Louv
Spending time outdoors is an important part of our day. We spend hours outside making mud pies, playing in the creek, and taking long nature walks. In the winter our goal was to spend at least one hour outside and in the warmer months our goal is to spend only one hour inside. We don’t always reach this goal but my boys no longer complain when I suggest we go outside. Instead, they are excited to put their winter boots on again, or their rain jacket, or a hat and shorts. For us, it’s all about creating the habit and it becomes our daily rhythm.
My Job As an ER Nurse
I work 1-2 days a week as an ER nurse. Nursing is a huge part of who I am and it was difficult for me to cut back and stay home with my boys in the beginning. But, now I have a lot more freedom in my schedule and I’m still able to work. Unfortunately, through COVID-19 my hours have been cut back, but it has allowed me to stay home more with the boys. I miss my work family all the time and can’t wait to be back with them.
On the days I work we have a sitter come and watch the boys at the house. We have tried other options but have found this is what works best for the boys when I’m away from home.
Thank you so much to Julia for sharing your family’s day with us!
If you want to see more Day in the Life photos and videos, be sure to check out our Instagram profile. There are highlights of each takeover at the top.