Homeschool Day in the Life: Bree, Mom of two young boys
A homeschool day in the life looks different almost every day, right? Over on our Instagram page, we love to give you a peek into lots of homeschool days regardless of how they change day to day.
Today, we’re going to give you a peek into the homeschool day in the life of Bree, homeschool mom of two young boys. Bree’s core focus is raising her boys in God’s Word and grounding them in their faith.
Regardless of our homeschool approach, how long we’ve been homeschooling, or how old our kids are, we can all learn and be inspired by one another. It’s not about looking good for social media, it’s about the connection going on inside our homeschool walls and sharing with others what works for us.
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We might all homeschool a little differently, but we can always look for ideas from each other that inspire, encourage and equip us in our own homeschool days. So each week we create blog posts for you to access later of each of those “days in the life”. We hope you keep coming back for more inspiration. Keep going, mama! These days at home are so worth it!
Meet Bree
Bree lives in the beautiful North East where she loves reading, crafting and spending time outdoors with her family. She finds homeschool inspiration from Liz @thequickjourney and Abbie . Bree describes their homeschool as fun! She tries to encourage her children that learning is fun. Her heart’s desire is grounding her boys in their faith.
Good Morning!
Hi there, Learning Well Community, Bree here 🙂 @thehomemakingmomma
I’m so excited to get the opportunity to share a peek into what our normal homeschool day looks like. Here’s a view of our little homeschool room.
We usually start our day around 8:30-9:00 with morning basket. My main focus for morning basket is Bible reading and catechism. We also work on our memory verses and sing the doxology. From there we read aloud. Usually I read a few chapters from our chapter book (we are reading Pilgrims Progress right now), and we also have themed books each month from the library that we read during this time.
I also like to incorporate music, poetry, character study, art, nature etc. in our morning time. After that my boys will each read aloud to me and my older son will practice his piano. Then it’s time to start school!
Readying Ourselves for the Day
The boys are up and finished with their breakfast and all ready to go for the day. Some days we have jammie day, but I really try to get myself and the boys dressed in real clothes. I feel like we are all so much more productive when we take the time to ready ourselves up.
Now time for me to make my second cup of coffee for the day and get to morning basket.
Morning Lessons
Pretty typical view around here. ?? We are all done with morning basket which is perfect timing because the boys are ready for second breakfast (any Tolkien fans out there!?)
Now we are headed to our school room for the rest of our day. This is my first year teaching two full time. My younger son is going through first grade work so it’s been fun trying to stagger my time to teach lessons to each one.
I like to start with math because my older son can work independently while I teach my younger son and get him set up with his math worksheet. From there I can go over any new concepts with my older sons math lesson.
Creating Memories
It’s been super chilly and dreary on and off for the past several days. Our boys have been begging for the tent to be put in our back yard. We opted to put it in our sunroom instead. we are on day four and even though a part of me wants to take it down I am also enjoying the coziness of it. Especially for reading together.
One of my favorite aspects of homeschooling my boys is that we get to create memories like these. We get to be together, creating and learning and enjoying Wednesday afternoons that feel like cozy Sundays.
Language Arts
After math we move on to language arts. I usually let my youngest take a little break and play quietly while I teach my older son. He does puzzles, tangrams, colors, plays with magnets or kinetic sand. Then once my older son is set up with his worksheets I do sight words/flash cards with my youngest and work on his lesson, followed by his worksheets. After that we practice spelling and then handwriting.
For our afternoons we stagger geography and science throughout the week.
Followed by time outside, quiet time (aka my mom time to get some other things done) play time etc.
Finishing Out Our Day
Well friends we just finished out our day (almost). My son has piano lessons on Wednesday afternoons. However now is that time of day where the boys run off and play, I make myself a cup of coffee, and turn a podcast on or some music and get some work done. They help me tidy up their school things first.
When the weather is nice they play outside, sometimes we have afternoon plans out of the house for a little while or days like today we just cozy up at home and I get work done.
I’ve loved sharing a tiny glimpse of an average day for us with y’all! You can always find me @thehomemakingmomma if you want to say hi!!
Thank you so much to Bree for sharing your family’s day with us!
If you want to see more Day in the Life photos and videos, be sure to check out our Instagram profile. There are highlights of each takeover at the top.