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The initial shock has been pushed over by excitement and anticipation.

The “4’s” bobbing in circles on the imaginary mobile behind my eyelids has ceased.

And a heartbeat has been detected.

It’s official.

We are beyond thrilled.

A Spring little chick, we shall have!!


  1. Yayayyyyyyy!!! I'm so excited for you sweet friend. Of course you know why I was MIA and am just NOW coming around to congratulate you… but I was thrilled the second I found out!! Love that instagram. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Happy happy joy joy!!

  2. Yayayyyyyyy!!! I'm so excited for you sweet friend. Of course you know why I was MIA and am just NOW coming around to congratulate you… but I was thrilled the second I found out!! Love that instagram. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Happy happy joy joy!!

  3. That is soo exciting…Congratulations!!! What a super cute and fun way to announce it..Love it! Praying for God's Blessing on you and your baby..

  4. Sooooooooo crazy happy excited for you sweet Alicia!!!

    I always always thought you should be a mamma of 4…I truly did….

    Look after that gorgeous little belly and love that your kiddos are sooo excited too…

    I recall having our last, little Audrey…and her big brother and sister were beside themselves…..

    Huge hugs to you from the beaches Down Under- although I did fall in love with your blog in the English countryside…it makes me smile even more now as it's a little bit of our last life brought home to Australia…

    Melissa xx

  5. Oh how awesome! What a fun thing to read tonight! Yey!!!

    PS- we are at the beach and planning to try crabbing like you did on your beach trip!!:) thanks for the inspiration!!
    Jayne B.

  6. OMG!!! How exciting. When I received the text from Grandma Pam I had to reread it a couple of times before it sank in! Congrats to all! Cute announcement sooooooo creative!

  7. haha I Love love it!
    well, we can be crazy afraid together ๐Ÿ™‚
    i just love your cute little announcement with your kids! xoxo

  8. OH MY WORD!! That's just the most amazing wonderful thing I've heard in a good bit. Good night, I'm happy for you, friend. Hope you're feeling well and just so happy for that little baby – what a wonderful mama he gets to have! : )
    xo, cailan

  9. I love the way you announced it on your blog! We have three girls and are done. I've always wondered what life would have been like if we had four. Congratulations!

  10. Congratulations Alicia! What a cute little baby bump you have going on there! Love the way you announced here on your blog…..I bet the kids are excited! My three occasionally ask for a fourth baby – kids always love babies!

  11. Ahhhh!!! Alicia– congratulations:) A new little baby for your family. What's wonderful blessing. Hope you are feeling well, even though I'm sure you are a natural:)

  12. i am SO excited for you!!!
    CONGRATULATIONS mama and awesome fam!
    the hugger in me wants to throw my arms around you and SQUEEZE so tightly.
    (((virtual hugs being sent)))
    God is so good!

  13. Ahhh!! Shut the front door! How exciting!!! I can't wait.
    Seems like it's in the water, everyone I know is having babies.
    We are still in the planning stages, but hopefully we won't be far behind ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Big Hugs!!


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