12 Cool Podcasts that will Educate + Entertain Your Kids
If you’re like me, you’re constantly searching for fun things that will entertain your kids while teaching them something in the meantime. This is why I LOVE podcasts for kids! We’ve found some really great ones lately and my friends have great suggestions too, so I decided to compile the list into one handy post for you.
Below you’ll find podcasts for kids on history, music, science and more! There are many of these that I absolutely love listening to with my kids too! Have fun finding a few more favorites and adding them to your queue!

Podcasts for Kids Your Whole Family Will Love!
Note: As will all things on the interwebs, podcasts are constantly changing. I truly cannot stand the propaganda pushed by certain groups onto children. I’ve found with some kids podcasts that there are many with ads and innuendos or outright declarations that I cannot let me kids listen to. Just be aware of these things before you let your children listen to podcasts without your observation. I have listened to all of the following podcasts for kids, but things change very quickly on the internet. Be vigilant, parents!
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- Greeking Out || This podcast is produced by National Geographic for Kids. We found it recently and have listened to many of the episodes. Each episode covers a Greek myth–they’re so well done and highly entertaining! Perfect for a Greek Study.
2. Real Cool History for Kids || This podcast is created by Angela O’dell, who many may know from Masterbooks curriculum. If your kids love history, I think they’ll like this one! It covers lots of different historical events in really interesting ways. It is also told with a Christian perspective.
Recently, Real Cool History for Kids has been doing a series on abandoned places, which has been SO fun!
3. God’s Big Story || We love this one. There are different series–such as working through the Fruit of the Spirit–that teach the Bible to children. The episodes are short, fun, entertaining, and will stay with kids (and parents!).
4. StoryNory || This podcast is perfect for gentle story telling for young kids. Nothing scary or too much stimulation. Great for before bedtime actually! StoryNory covers myths, folktales, and more.
5. Lamplighter Kids Stories || Teaching traditional virtues to modern kids through fun and engaging stories!
6. Grim Grimmer Grimmest || Grimm, Grimmer, Grimmest is a wildly enchanting fairy tale podcast featuring Adam Gidwitz, bestselling author of “A Tale Dark and Grimm.” Weaving in and out of a classroom of witty grade-schoolers and a world full of curious creatures and mischievous foes, each episode features a Grimm fairy tale retold with a surprising flourish. Listen as kids anticipate plot twists and question the logic of these very Grimm tales!
NOTE: Some of these stories may be quite scary to some kids. If you have a kiddo on the sensitive side, you may want to preview first.
More Awesome Podcasts for Kids (and their parents!)
7. Bird Notes || If you have a nature lover in your house, this is for you! OR you may not be the most nature-y mom and need a little help. Bird Notes is actually a podcast for adults, but it’s great for any bird lover. The episodes are short and packed with info on lots of different types of birds.
8. Classics for Kids || For your music-loving kids, Classics for Kids is so perfect! They will typically cover one composer for one month–one episode per week. The podcast includes lots of info about the composer’s life and their music too. We love this one!
Related: How we add music into our weeks at home.
9. Amazing Wildlife: A San Diego Zoo Podcast || Very interesting podcast for kids that love animals.
10. By Kids For Kids Bible Stories OR Bible Project || I love having some podcasts in the queue for my kids that retell bible stories. The first one listed is more geared towards younger kids and tell bible stories with lots of great reader’s theater.
The Bible Project podcast is geared towards older kids. It covers the books of the bible and many other biblical topics. We love their videos as well!
11. Forever Ago || Another fun history podcast is Forever Ago. Each episode features one familiar item–like sandwiches–and explores the origins of that item. Really fun and packed with history!
12. The Daily Poem || Lastly, this podcast is just what you’d think it is: one poem every single day. The poem is read and then the narrator goes over a bit of the background of the poem. It’s just a few minutes long and a really great way to start your day.
Happy Listening and Learning!
I hope this list gets you started on listening and learning this summer (or anytime of year!)

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Hi there! Thank you for this great list! We would be honored if you could review and include The Middle School Mind podcast to your list. It’s a podcast that my son and I publish every other Monday when school is in session. So far we have interviewed middle school teachers, talked about changes to school lunch menus and reviewed video games and other things from the mind of a middle schooler. Check us out at: http://www.themiddleschoolmind.com. Thanks for the opportunity!
We love the Sky Tour podcast. It comes out at the beginning of the month and is a 14 minute tour of the night sky. We love to listen and then go stargazing.
Do you mind sharing the ones that you found unsuitable?? My kids listen to a few that you haven’t mentioned and now I’m a little worried I missed something!
Withy-windle is another good podcast for kids. The tag line is “a bookish podcast for kids.” Each week they have a children’s author on to interview and they also have a book that they discuss over several weeks as the kids read along at home. They are really silly but somehow manage to throw in some good learning too. And I love it almost as much as my kids do!
We listen to Merriam Websters Word of the Day at dinner. It’s fun for every person around the table to try to make a sentence with the word. Also, Inquisikids is generally a nice shorter one we like.
Thank you for these great suggestions!