7 Lessons I Learned From Traveling to Europe For the First Time

We recently had the dreamiest family vacation. We traveled to Germany and Austria. You can read about how we budgeted and planned too. The most unexpected thing that happened on the trip for me: the lessons learned in Europe.

I wasn’t expecting it. I was prepared to have the trip of a lifetime and see amazing things. But the life lessons? I wasn’t prepared for that.

Over our 10 days in Europe in learned a lot about myself. I realized how insanely fast my pace is and how it needs to stop. I observed a lot of behaviors from the Europeans and watched how they carried themselves, how they parented their kids, how the ate their meals even!

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(I’m a big people watcher.)

Here’s what I learned from traveling to Europe.

I wasn't expecting to learn so much from traveling to Europe. I was prepared to have the trip of a lifetime, but the life lessons? Here's what I learned.

Listen in here: the lessons I learned in Europe

Lessons Learned in Europe Show Notes + Timestamps:

1. Meals are sacred. [7:40]

2. Get rid of distractions [12:16]

3. Live more simply. [13:05]

4. Embrace the waiting. [16:40]

5. Take time for afternoon coffee. [18:40]

6. Live outdoors. [21:23]

7. Be more considerate of the earth. [23:05]

Environmentally friendly items for your home

Bonus: Draw a harder line between work and life. [24:30]

Currently List

Coveting: Jarrod’s pillow!!!!!!!! It’s serious the BEST! I didn’t think there would be that much difference between the cheap-o pillows I usually buy. But Jarrod had been complaining about his pillow forever, so I decided to get him a new fancy one for his birthday—oh my word! I want it so badly! Definitely on my Christmas wish list this year!

Excited for: Peaky Blinders

Enjoying: Cozying my home right now–fall is the absolute best! Get some cozy ideas HERE!



  1. Thanks!! I just added the pillow link–totally forgot! Thanks for the comment 🙂

  2. Thank you for the new episode, Alicia! I really enjoyed getting to hear your reflections on the European way of life.
    Could you post a link to Jarrod’s (and soon to be your) new pillow, please? ?

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