Homeschooling Day in the Life: Ella, homeschooling mom of five children, and labor and delivery nurse
A homeschool day in the life looks different almost every day, right? Over on our Instagram page, we love to give you a peek into lots of homeschool days regardless of how they change day to day.
Today, we’re going to give you a peek into the homeschool day in the life of Ella, homeschooling mom to five children and part-time labor and delivery nurse!
We can all learn and be inspired by one another, regardless of our homeschool approach. It’s not about looking good for social media, it’s about the connection going on inside our homeschool walls and sharing with others what works for us.
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We might all homeschool a little differently, but we can always look for ideas from each other that inspire, encourage and equip us in our own homeschool days. So each week we create blog posts for you to access later of each of those “days in the life”. We hope you keep coming back for more inspiration. Keep going, mama! These days at home are so worth it!
Meet Ella
Ella @schoolhousegrace is a follower of Christ, wife to her best friend of 17 years, mother to three boys and two girls, and a part-time Labor/Delivery RN and educator.
She began her homeschooling journey seven years ago when the Lord called her to bring the children home to educate. She tried different homeschooling methods in the beginning and met Miss Charlotte Mason her second year of homeschooling.
Ella enjoys helping new and current homeschooling families find peace in their daily lessons and routines and has been a speaker at homeschooling conferences and homeschool podcasts.
Ella and her family live on 28 acres in South Carolina and have an ever growing farmstead with goats, sheep, chickens, and ducks. Her mother culture moments are spent tending her flower gardens, reading living books, water coloring, and nature journaling.
Good Morning!
Good Morning homeschool families! Thank you so much for joining in on our homeschooling day today.
My mornings will only run smoothly if I meet with the Lord first, so my goal everyday is to wake an hour before the children, usually around 7am, read and meditate on His Word, and pray for wisdom and strength for the day.
Next I try to make sure the children’s planners are ready for the day if I haven’t prepared them the night before. They love being able to see what they have to do for the day and make their own schedule.
After that, I step outside with my children to do the animal chores and for me that means milking our goat. We’ve only had her for two weeks, so I’m still learning lots myself.
Lastly, if some of my children are done with everything before everyone is ready for family worship, they are free to start on the day’s assignments independently.
Family Worship
After everyone has done their morning chores and eaten breakfast, we gather together for family worship. We always start with our monthly hymn; for October it’s Be Thou My Vision. I love using the Then Sings My Soul for background info on each hymn.
After that we read the Bible. We’ve been studying Kings & Prophets, using J. Paterson Smyth’s Bible Commentaries for a deeper insight. We’ve used them for four years now and have been very impressed with the background knowledge and history we’ve gathered as we read and discuss them alongside God’s Word.
We end our morning time with prayer and then usually off to math!
Morning Lessons
Our morning lessons begin with math, language arts, history, recitations, and writings. Every day looks a bit different. So this is just a peek of our week.
I try to keep my Year6 and Year5 together for most things. My Year9 and Year11 only do Chemistry together, otherwise their studies are separate.
During math I will pop back and forth between whoever needs help in the moment. Sometimes if both of my younger children have completely brand new concepts, I will have one of them start the readings while I do math with the other, and then switch. We’ve done it this way for years and it seems to work pretty smoothly.
We usually do lessons until 12:30/1pm and then break for lunch.
Time for the Outdoors
We’ve made it outside after lunch!
No explanation required.
Just a beautiful day to spend 4-6 hours outside before the sun sets.
After that we *might* finish a reading, or it might make it to the next day’s schedule.
Dinner + Evening Routine
The girls and I have started dinner. We are going to make iron skillet steaks and mashed potatoes. My 10yo daughter cleaned the entire kitchen while I drove my oldest to work, which was a sweet surprise upon coming home. Making dinner in a clean kitchen is the best! (Even if it’s about to get messy 😆)
The boys have done the evening animal chores, and I’m on my way to milk our goat while the potatoes cook.
After dinner, we will try to do a reading, and we will end our day with evening family worship.
Thank you so much to Ella for sharing your family’s day with us!
If you want to see more Day in the Life photos and videos, be sure to check out our Instagram profile. There are highlights of each takeover at the top.