I love finding fun things to strew around the house for my kids to find and entertain themselves with. New card games, books, art supplies–these are all great ideas. But…
I love finding fun things to strew around the house for my kids to find and entertain themselves with. New card games, books, art supplies–these are all great ideas. But…
If you’ve been homeschooling for a while, you’ve probably gotten the question, What’s one thing you wish you would have known when you started homeschooling? Well, here’s mine, as of about…
I’m just going to be honest. All these wonderful homeschool planning scopes, posts, and resources are stressing me out! Kidding, not kidding. I love it, but since I’ve done practically…
We don’t technically homeschool through the summer, but doing a little something pertaining to academics through the summer seems to cut down on the shock when September rolls around. This…
This post is all about Mobi Math game and reviewing what I thought of this game. I received it in exchange for an honest review. 🙂 If you’re like us,…
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