Art Show
It’s pretty much summer. The school desks have been cleaned out and packed away. There’s a clean slate waiting for us in the fall, but for now we’ll take a deep breath and enjoy this moment. The end of a school year is such a busy time. Some of you are still in the thick of it. In the midst of the busyness though, its nice to take a quick look back to see how far we came this year. The looking back bit is why I started throwing an art show at the end of our school year.
We hosted one each year when we lived closer to family. (2011 and 2010) The past two years, I’ve felt like we don’t know enough people to have one, but this year was different. Living in a self-proclaimed commune has it’s perks. Like the fact that we have built-in friends that have to hang out with us whether they like it or not. We planned a spur-of-the-moment art show on a Saturday afternoon and hosted the show the next evening. The kids ran around the neighborhood Sunday morning, dropping handmade invitations on doorsteps, ringing the doorbell, and running like mad. About and hour before the show, we brought all of our art and projects from the year and set it up all fancy-like. We mixed up a pitcher of lemonade and called it an art show.
Every last one of the invitees showed up with bells on. All three big kids presented their projects from the year, gave little reports, and recited poems. It was simple and easy and it was so fun to share what we’d been learning beyond the people that live in our four walls. Times like these make me feel so full to be homeschooling. I love showing my kids off, but I love even more watching them grow and shape into small versions of what kind of adults they’ll be. Watching them give presentations on their hard work, light off a volcano, and read and recite in front of our neighbors was so fulfilling. I won’t skip our Art Show again.
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What a great idea!! Love this! And your kiddoes look so proud!